How to Make a DIY Sleep Mask Out of Old Jeans in Just 10 Minutes

Nina's Ideas
by Nina's Ideas
11 Materials
1 Hour

Can’t get a good night’s rest without a sleep mask? Perhaps you’re traveling and you need a good solution to block out the lights on the airplane. Well, you can make your own DIY sleep mask out of old jeans!

There’s no need to go and splurge on something that functions the same if you can make one from scratch easily. Read on and see how to make a sleep mask with just a few materials.

Tools and materials:

  • Sewing machine
  • Thread
  • Scissors
  • Jeans
  • Fleece fabric
  • Measuring tape
  • Pen
  • Paper
  • Elastic
  • Iron
  • Glue gun (optional)
Sleep eye mask sewing pattern

1. Make & cut the pattern

First things first, you’ll need to make the sleep eye mask sewing pattern. So, on a piece of paper, draw a 10cm (3.93 inches) wide and 20cm (7.87 inches) long rectangle. Then, fold it in half to get the center and groove the center, as shown. 

How to make a sleep mask

Next, place the paper on a piece of denim fabric, pin, and cut, leaving a little seam allowance. 

Pinning the denim fabric to the fleece fabric

Pin your denim fabric piece on your fleece fabric and cut around. 

How to make an eye mask for sleeping

Now, make some notches by marking them on either side of the pattern.

Placing the elastic between layers of fabric

2. Add elastic

For the DIY sleep mask, you’re going to want a thick elastic. Cut it to size so that it measures the snugly around your head. Place it in between the fabric layers, just like a sandwich. 

Pinning the edges of the sleep mask

Pin the edges so that nothing moves out of place. 

How to sew a sleep mask

Go ahead to your sewing machine and sew all around the outer edge of the mask, leaving a 6cm (2.36 inches) gap on top. 

Snipping the curves

3. Snip the curves

Before you fold your sleep mask inside out, carefully snap the curved edges of the mask. Be sure not to snip over the stitch line. 

Turning the fabric of the sleep mask

4. Close the gap

Now, turn your sleep mask inside out and fold in the raw edges of the opening on top. 

Pressing the sleep mask with an iron

5. Press

Press the DIY sleep mask, so it lies flat and smooth. 

Finishing the sleep mask with a topstitch

6. Topstitch

Then, stitch all around the perimeter with a topstitch. 

DIY sleep mask with felt hearts

7. Decorate

Now that you know how to sew a sleep mask, you can consider adding some funky decorations. Here are a few awesome examples to get you inspired. 

DIY sleep mask with a bow and ribbons

DIY sleep mask with star denim patches

DIY sleep mask tutorial

Now you have a unique, upcycled DIY sleep mask. Wasn’t that easy? Thanks for joining me, and I hope you make this easy sleep mask your next DIY project. 

Suggested materials:
  • Sewing machine
  • Thread
  • Scissors
See all materials

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