How to Make a Secret Zip Scrunchie in 6 Super-Simple Steps

Meera Kaneria
by Meera Kaneria
9 Materials
1 Hour

I’m back with more amazing tutorials, and this time I have a zip scrunchie DIY that I know you’ll love! This secret zip scrunchie will allow you to put small things inside it without anyone ever knowing. You can put cash, lipstick, hair clips, and anything inside, while also using it as a cute hair tie.

This is perfect for traveling or if you’re going to a party. Want a scrunchie with a zip pocket of your own? Let’s get started!

Tools and materials:

  • Fabric
  • Zipper
  • Elastic
  • Pencil
  • Needle
  • Thread
  • Scissors
  • Ruler
  • Sewing machine
DIY zip scrunchie pattern

1. Make the zip scrunchie pattern

Lay out your fabric and measure 13cm (5.11 inches) by 40cm (15.74 inches). 

Cutting out the fabric

2. Cut your materials

Now, cut out your long rectangular shape. 

Measuring the elastic

Measure and cut your elastic; it should be 8cm (3.14 inches) in length. 

Measuring the zipper

Cutting the zipper

As for the zipper, I had a pretty long one. If you do too, that’s totally fine. Simply cut it 8cm (3.14 inches) from the top, making sure you keep a 1cm (0.39 inches) seam allowance. 

Closing the new zipper end

3. Close the zipper end

Now, you’ll need to close the end of the zipper (at the 8cm / 3.14 inches mark) with a needle and thread. 

Sewing to create a new zip stop

Sew 5-6 times around this mark and tie a knot when done. 

Small zipper for the scrunchie

This is what your zipper should look like after making a few changes. 

Measuring the scrunchie

4. Make the scrunchie

First, mark 3cm (1.18 inches) from each side on the top. 

Folding in the edge of the fabric

Now, to make a secret zip scrunchie, you’ll need to attach the zipper on the fold. So, fold one edge of your fabric inward (wrong sides facing). 

Flipping and folding the fabric

Flip the whole fabric around to the right side, and create another outward fold. 

Placing the zipper on the fabric

Then, place the edge of the zipper to that fold on the wrong side of the fabric. Make sure it’s centered. 

Sewing the zipper into the scrunchie

Sew on edge with a little seam allowance. 

How to make a zip-up scrunchie

Repeat this on the other edge, as well. 

Sewing a scrunchie with a zipper

Stitch the rest of the hem and stop at the 3cm (1.18 inches) mark on either side. 

Scrunchie with a hidden zipper

Once I turn the fabric inside out, you can see how the zipper is totally hidden! 

Inserting elastic into the scrunchie

5. Insert elastic

Now, insert your elastic inside the fabric’s tunnel, scrunching the fabric as you go along. 

Hand-sewing the end of the elastic together

6. Finish off the zip scrunchie

Sew the ends of the elastic together with a needle and thread. 

Hand-sewing the opening closed

You’ll see you are still left with an opening. To close it up, be sure to stitch the folds vertically. 

DIY scrunchie with a zip pocket

Then, close off the gap around the scrunchie. You can do this with a hand stitch. 

Zip scrunchie

Zip scrunchie tutorial

Yay! Your zip scrunchie is ready! How nifty is it? As I said, no one will ever know about it, thanks to the secret zipper we installed. 

Storing items in the zip scrunchie

You can store your essentials without stressing about taking an extra bag with you. 

Wearing the zip scrunchie

Of course, it also works as an excellent hair tie! Thanks for joining me. I hope you enjoyed this scrunchie with a zip pocket tutorial. Let me know what you think of this DIY in the comments. Good luck! 

Suggested materials:
  • Fabric
  • Zipper
  • Elastic
See all materials

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2 of 3 comments
  • Christie Decker Christie Decker on May 02, 2022

    I am a volunteer chef for church events. I cannot carry a purse around all the time, and want to be able to keep track of my vehicle keys...this is an awesome answer as I do have long hair, use scrunchies and don't like things dangling around my neck or arms as I bake or cook. Thank you! Blessings.

  • Joyce Joyce on May 28, 2024

    Brilliant idea! Thanks!
