Rainy Day Gear When You Can’t Take an Umbrella

Kastle W
by Kastle W

I recently got caught in a rainstorm at an outdoor concert that poured for the entire show. While I had some rain gear, I could have used more to stay completely dry. So I went searching for stylish waterproof pieces that I needed in my wardrobe.

As you may know, umbrellas are not allowed at concerts, amusement parks and many other events where they may be dangerous in a crowd or block people’s view of a show.

So what can you do in a downpour that may literally rain on your parade?

Here is some rainy-day gear to keep you dry when you can’t use an umbrella.

Note: If you shop through my links, I may receive a small commission.

Waterproof Sneakers

Many hiking brands make waterproof sneakers, but let’s face it, they really aren’t that stylish to wear with the cute outfits you may wear to a concert or other events. I found these waterproof high-top sneakers that are made from rubber. They resemble the classic  Chuck Taylor Converse high-tops, so you know they’ll look cool. I had these on in a downpour and they kept my feet nice and dry – and cute!  Shop waterproof high-tops.

Purse Raincoat

So often, we think about how we will keep ourselves dry but forget about our purse or bag. We carry a lot of valuable stuff that can’t get wet – cell phones, business cards, notepads. That’s why some clever person invented the purse umbrella. This nifty raincoat for your handbag is the perfect thing when it starts to get wet outside. Just slip it over, and it has slots with Velcro to seal around the bag handle to keep water out and off your purse.  Shop purse raincoat.

Rain Poncho

If you’re headed out to an event when you’re unsure if it will rain, roll up a rain poncho to tuck into your bag instead of carrying a bulky raincoat.

I really love the poncho style in the rain because it’s like a body umbrella that will expand over you and keep your legs and feet dry if you’re standing or sitting still, like at a show. I got this one that’s nice and big and zips closed. Be warned though, there’s a difference between “waterproof” and “water-resistant.” A PVC or EVA raincoat is made from plastic and won’t leak. Some polyester raincoats and ponchos may start to feel damp if you’re out in consistent heavy rain for an extended period of time, such as more than an hour. Water may also seep through at the seams. For that, you can get a  seam sealer solution to close the gaps.  Shop rain poncho.

Hairbrella Hat

When it’s raining, we all know that can mean a bad hair day. But not with this nifty hair-protector hat. The Hairbrella is literally an umbrella for your hair. It’s big and roomy so you can stuff long hair into it. Another key feature is the generous clear visor to keep rain off your face – no more runny makeup! This thing is genius! I also plan to use it on snow days and humid days. Just pull it off when you get inside, and your hair stays perfect.  Shop the Hairbrella Hat.

Rain Bonnet

If you want something light to protect your hair, you can always drop a good ol’ fashioned rain bonnet in your bag. This plastic, tie-on cap is lightweight and folds flat, making it easy to carry around for those just-in-case moments. Be warned, it only covers down to your neck, so if you have long hair, you may need to pull it into a ponytail or tuck your hair into your coat.  Shop rain bonnet.

Now that you know some rain gear to wear when you can't have an umbrella, what outdoor event will you be going to?

Items shown here are from my personal collection. If you shop through my links, I may receive a small commission. Thank you for your support!

See more of my looks in the   Stiletto City blog and my   Instagram page.

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