Cute and Super Easy Christmas Gift Idea: DIY Bath Salts

Vanessa Dixon
by Vanessa Dixon
5 Materials
5 Minutes

This Christmas I am determined to make heartfelt gifts for my family and friends. These homemade bath salts are super easy and budget friendly! Plus, it's zero waste!

This lovely stocking stuffer is great to have at home for a relaxing detox bath. Follow along with this short and sweet tutorial.

Tools and materials:

  • Epsom salts
  • Valium salt or (Himalayan) sea salt
  • Essential oils (I recommend lavender and peppermint)
  • Glass jar with lid
  • Red ribbon and leaves (optional decorations)
Measuring the salts

1. Measure salts

Pour ¼ cup Epsom salts and ¼ cup Himalayan salt directly into your jar.

2. Add oils and shake

Add a few drops of each essential oil that you chose to the salts. Then screw on the lid and give the mixture a good shake, making sure it all blends well. 

Adding essential oils

That’s literally all there is to it!

3. How to use

When ready to use, just add a few spoonfuls to your bath and mix it around to dissolve.

For the detox effect, soak your body for 40 minutes. The first 20 minutes or so, your body will release toxins, then for the final 20 minutes, your body will absorb the minerals from the bath salt recipe.

Completed DIY bath salts

DIY bath salts

This type of bath is excellent for boosting magnesium levels, soothing skin irritation and overall detoxing.

Who will you treat with these pampering DIY bath salts this holiday season?

For another DIY Christmas gift idea, check out my post on how to make an all-natural Perfume.

Suggested materials:
  • Epsom salts
  • Valium salt or (Himalayan) sea salt
  • Essential oils (I recommend lavender and peppermint)
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