DIY Soap Bars to Brighten Skin

by Shalini
9 Materials
20 Minutes

Are you looking for a great DIY solution to get clean and clear skin in just 15 days?

Then follow along to get the recipe and instructions for this homemade clear skin soap.

Tools and materials:

  • Goat milk soap base
  • Aloe vera gel
  • Saffron
  • Glycerin
  • Vitamin E capsules
  • Turmeric
  • Small bowl and spoon
  • Pan and burner
  • Soap moulds
Prepping soap

1. Prepare your soap

Begin with one pouch of goat milk soap base (I use the brand VedaOils.)

Prepping soap

Melt the soap base in a small bowl set in a pan of simmering water. Stir to assist the melting process.

Adding saffron

When the soap base is melted, add 9–10 threads of saffron.

Adding aloe vera

Then add 1 teaspoon of aloe vera gel.

Adding glycerin

Add 1 teaspoon of glycerin.

Adding vitamin E

And squeeze the gel from 2 vitamin E capsules into your mixture.

Adding turmeric

Finally, add about 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder.

Disclaimer: When applied to the skin, turmeric can sometimes cause temporary staining, so please proceed with caution! You may wish to use slightly less turmeric than the recipe recommends.

Mixing ingredients

Mix all ingredients until well-combined.

Soap mixture

This is how your soap mixture should look.

Making soap bars

2. Make soap bars

Pour your soap mixture into soap moulds or any other small containers.

Making soap bars

Let your soap bars set for 2 hours.

Soap bars

3. Use your soap bars

Now your soap bars are ready to use! 

Use your DIY soap to remove dark spots and pigmentation from your skin.

Using soap bars

Dip your soap bar into water.

Using soap bars

Create a lather in your hands.

Using soap bars

Apply the soap lather to your face, arms, or any skin to help lighten and brighten it.

Glowing skin

DIY soap bars to brighten skin

Enjoy your super-glowing pigment-free skin, and leave a comment to let me know how this magical soap worked for you!

For another beauty tutorial, check out  This DIY mask helps open pores and get rid of wrinkles.

You should also follow me on Instagram:   @beauty__secrets_with_shalini

Suggested materials:
  • Goat milk soap base
  • Aloe vera gel
  • Saffron
See all materials

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