Get Rid of Facial Hair With This All-Natural Recipe

by Shikha
5 Materials
30 Minutes

This hair removal mask not only gets rid of those fine facial hairs, it gives a fantastic glow to your skin as well.

And no need to rip it off like hot wax. This is a no-pain method.

Tools and materials:

  • Milk
  • Turmeric
  • Rice flour
  • Honey
  • Small saucepan
Mixing ingredients

1. Mix ingredients

Add a small cup of milk, half a tablespoon of turmeric powder and a tablespoon of rice flour to a small saucepan.

Disclaimer: When applied to the skin, turmeric can sometimes cause temporary staining, so please proceed with caution! You may wish to use slightly less turmeric than the recipe recommends.

Mixing ingredients

Add a good dollop of honey and mix well.

Mixing ingredients

Boil for 5 minutes and allow to cool to a comfortable temperature.

Applying DIY mask to skin

2. Apply with your fingers

Use your fingertips to apply a very thin layer to your face.

Applying DIY mask to skin

Smoothe the mixture around your mouth, to your cheeks and across your nose and forehead in a circular motion.

Don’t apply it near your eyes.

Applying DIY mask to skin

3. Rub off

Allow the mask to get about 90% dry. You don’t want it to dry completely.

Removing DIY mask

Start rubbing it off gently with your fingers.

Removing DIY mask

Don’t scrub or pull at it. 

Removing DIY mask

Circle your fingertips across your skin and the mixture will crumble and fall away.

Glowing skin after DIY mask

Get rid of facial hair with this all-natural recipe

As it does, your beautifully glowing, hair-free skin will be revealed!

This is an amazing DIY hair removal mask. However, don’t use this on broken or damaged skin!

Let me know in the comments what you think of this mask.

Next,  Remove the Dark Circles Around Your Eyes With 3 Easy Ingredients.

Follow me on Instagram:    @diybyshikha

Suggested materials:
  • Milk
  • Turmeric
  • Rice flour
See all materials

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