How to Make a Fanny Pack From Scratch in 7 Simple Steps (Free Pattern)

by Gulsen
10 Materials
3 Hours

Learn how to make a fanny pack with this free pattern and tutorial. I’ll also show you how to make a lining so that your DIY fanny pack has a finished look. Ready to start your fanny pack? Then let’s begin!

Tools and materials:

  • Free fanny pack sewing pattern
  • Exterior and lining fabric
  • Iron-on interfacing
  • 30-centimeter (11.8-inch) zipper
  • 4-centimeter (1.6-inch) clip buckle
  • 4 x 25-centimeter (1.6 x 9.8-inch) strap
  • Sewing pins and thread
  • Scissors
  • Sewing machine
  • Iron
Cutting out the pattern

1. Cut pattern pieces

First, download and print the free fanny pack sewing pattern for this DIY fanny pack (you may need to register to get the pattern). Cut all of the pieces from both your main fabric and your lining fabric.

Cutting out the interfacing

Also cut pieces number 3 and 5 from your interfacing fabric.

Snipping notches on the fabric

Snip notches on the fabric, lining, and interfacing pieces.

Ironing the interfacing

2. Attach interfacing

Iron the interfacing to the back of their corresponding fabric pieces.

Overlocking the edges

3. Sew the pattern

For pattern pieces number 1 and 2, attach the lining pieces to their corresponding fabric pieces.

Overlock the lower long edge on piece number 1, and the long straight edge on piece number 2.

Folding piece number 3

Fold piece number 3, with the interfacing, in half lengthwise with the right side facing in. 

Sewing the two short ends

Sew the two short ends of the piece.

Sewing the lining

Fold and sew the corresponding lining piece number 3 the same way. 

Snipping off the corners

Snip off the corners and turn both pieces right side out.

Pressing the pieces flat

Iron both pieces flat and then overlock them along the raw open edge.

How to install the zipper

4. Install the zipper

Take the flap, zipper, and front top piece (pattern piece number 1). Place the zipper upside down on the lower edge of the flap piece.

Placing the flap and zipper

Carefully place the flap and zipper on top of the front top piece aligning the overlocked edges. You will have 1 inch of seam allowance on the front piece, beyond each end of the flap.

Pinning and sewing the zipper

Pin and sew all the layers together along the zipper edge.

Lay the pieces flat with the flap and zip down and the seam allowance of the front top piece folded up. 

Adding topstitching to the layers

Topstitch 2 millimeters (0.08 inches) from the seam through the layers of the top front piece and the seam allowance underneath it.

Make your own fanny pack

Here is what it should look like now.

Pinning the zipper to the bottom front

With right sides facing and aligning the notches, pin the other side of the zipper to the bottom front and sew it in place.

How to sew a fanny pack

Flatten the top piece and topstitch through all layers 2 millimeters (0.08 inches) from each side of the zipper. You will be sewing through the top front piece, the zipper, and the seam allowance.

Assembling the DIY fanny pack

5. Assemble the DIY fanny pack

With the right sides facing, pin the number 4 pieces on top of the outer corners on the front of the fanny pack.

Sew, then overlock the sides and trim any excess fabric. 

Pinning the pattern pieces together

Place pattern piece number 5 on top of the corresponding fabric piece and place a pin on the fabric at the points indicated on the pattern. If you prefer, you can put a basting stitch, rather than a pin, at those points.

Pinning the curved edge

Pin the curved edge of piece number 5 to the top of the front piece, between the two marked points. 

Easy DIY fanny pack

Sew, then overlock that edge between the end pins. 

Topstitching through all of the layers

Fold the seam allowance upwards and topstitch through all the layers.

Making a DIY fanny pack

With right sides facing, place the straight edge of piece number 6 on top of the straight edge of the top piece, matching up the notches.

Open the zipper a little, and then pin the curved edges of both pieces together.

Sew and then overlock the top and bottom edges.

Pinning the strap to the DIY fanny pack

6. Add the strap

Pin the strap to the inside of the bag with the ends aligning with the raw edge of the fanny pack. Then sew the strap ends in place through all layers of fabric and trim off excess fabric from the seam allowance.

Overlocking the raw strap edges

Turn the fanny pack right side out and then overlock the raw strap edges.

Adding the strap buckle

Check the length you want for the straps. Slide the strap buckle over one end of the strap and pin and sew it in place on the strap using a Box X stitch formation.

Pull the strap through the buckle and attach the end to the strap on the other side, again using a Box X stitch. 

Adding lining to the DIY fanny pack

7. Line the DIY fanny pack (optional)

The pattern does not include a lining, but I wanted to add one anyway. Sew the lining in the same way as the main fabric and attach it following the video from 10:05 to 13:00.

How to make a fanny pack

How to make a fanny pack

Now you can strap on your fanny pack and head out with your hands free! Leave a comment to let me know how you liked this DIY fanny pack tutorial. Thanks for joining!

Suggested materials:
  • Free fanny pack sewing pattern
  • Exterior and lining fabric
  • Iron-on interfacing
See all materials

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  • Carol de la Fuente Carol de la Fuente on May 22, 2022

    Your fanny pack is really cute!!! I love your pins also!!! I have never seen any like that!!!

  • Gulsen Gulsen on May 23, 2022

    Hi Carol! Thank you very much for your lovely comment! I got these pins on Amazon, you can also find them with flowers and heart shapes 😍
