4 Beginner Tips on How to Start Thrifting

by Iam.morganb

Thrift shopping has become one of my favorite hobbies. My love for thrifting has grown that I turned it into a business as well. Thrifting has a lot of benefits and can definitely save you a lot of money if you are on a budget. It can become time consuming and overwhelming when you are unsure of what to do. Today on the blog, I am going to share 4 beginner tips on how to start thrift shopping.

Tip 1: Do Your Research

The first tip when you are a beginner thrifter is to do your research. Search for local thrift stores in your area and see which ones have good reviews. You have your large chains (value village, goodwill, etc.) and then you have your small non-profits. Choose which store works best for you, and the mood you are in for that day. If you do not have time or the patience, I would opt for a small chain thrift store to not overwhelm yourself and save time.

Tip 2: Go with an open mind

The second tip for your beginning thrifting journey is to go with an open mind. When you go to your regular retail stores, you know which stores sell a specific style. In a thrift store it is not like that. Do not go in expecting something, and you leave out with nothing. Explore different items that you may be interested in. Vintage may not be your style, but see how you can change it into the current style you are interested in. Have an open mind and create what you want to see.

Tip 3: Have patience

The third tip is to have patience. Patience is key when thrifting because there is so much stuff everywhere that you can get overwhelmed and miss out on a great item. The best thing to do is have your Starbucks on hand, your air pods with your favorite jams, and just start going through the clothes racks one by one. Once you get used to it, it become therapeutic.

Tip 4: Sign Up for the mailing list

The final tip when starting your thrifting journey is to sign up for their email/text list. Believe it or not some thrift stores have email/text lists so that you can keep up with any sales they may be having or informing you of how many points you have until your next discount. This is such a great way to stay informed of what is going on and shop on a budget.

I hope you enjoyed todays blog post on 4 beginner tips on how to start thrifting. If you are not a thrifter, but want to start I hope you found these tips helpful. A bonus tip that I can also give you is… if you are not interested in doing the work that comes with thrifting, hire someone that will. I have consultations available to help you get started on your journey. Let me know in the comments which tip resonated with you or any tips you would like to add. Until next time, Happy Styling babe!

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