How to Sew a Cool Stevie Nicks-inspired Cropped Denim Top

by 49380244
11 Materials
3 Hours

I made this cute cropped denim top from scraps of jeans fabric and a small piece of lining. It’s beginner friendly when you use my free halter top pattern that comes in five sizes, XS to XL.

If you’re using new denim, pre-wash it before cutting and sewing to avoid shrinkage of the finished garment.

I’m going to show you how to make a simple modification to the pattern to allow for a back button fastening as well. The top is fully lined for comfort and style, so let’s get started!

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Tools and materials:

  • Halter top pattern
  • Paper for pattern
  • 1 yard (1 meter) medium weight denim
  • Lining fabric
  • 2 snap-on jeans buttons
  • Fabric marker
  • Ruler
  • Pins
  • Scissors
  • Iron
  • Sewing machine
Drafting the halter top pattern

1. Cut out the fabric

Print out the pattern and cut it out in your size.

Redraw the back section onto a larger piece of paper. Extend the length of the piece by 1.2 inches (3 cm) and add a 0.4 inch (1 cm) seam allowance.

Draw a line down the center of the extension and cut the new pattern piece to size.

Drafting the halter top pattern

Cut all the pieces apart from the straps from both the denim and the lining. 

You will need two fronts, one front underbust piece on the fold and two back pieces, one with the button placket extension and one without, and two straps from the denim only.

Lower band

2. Lower band

Join the two back denim pieces to the front underbust section with the right sides together.

Front bust section

3. Front bust section

Sew a row of gathering stitching along the lower edge of the bust sections, leaving long ends.

Front bust section

Pull on the threads and push the gathers towards the center.

Front bust section

With the right sides together, pin the gathered edges to the center front band. 

Front bust section

Sew in place, leaving a slight gap between the cups in the center.

Assembling lining

4. Lining and straps

Assemble the lining in the same way as the outer fabric.

Making the straps

Fold the straps in half lengthways with the right side inside and sew the long edges and one short edge.

Turn the straps right side out and press them.

Adding the straps

Place the outer top right side up.

Put the open end of each strap on top of the bust sections, with the end of the strap extending about 0.75 inches (2 cm) above the top edge.

Adding the lining

Pin the lining on top, wrong side uppermost.

Sew the two pieces together with the straps sandwiched between them.

Leave one side of the back section open.

Adding the lining

Snip the curves and trim off any excess fabric.

Turn the top right side out through the opening.

Finishing cropped denim top

5. Finishing

Turn in the open ends of the back section and sew the opening closed.

Finishing cropped denim top

Attach two jeans buttons to the shorter side of the back sections.

Make two buttonholes to match on the other side.

DIY cropped denim top

DIY cropped denim top

DIY cropped denim top

This is a great pattern for a beginner to learn how to sew a halter top and how to add a lining to a DIY denim top.

The gathered cups mean they will fit any size perfectly and the halter ties make the top very versatile.

If you’re more experienced and use a different type of back fastening, you could even make it completely reversible.

I’d love to know what you think of it. Please drop me a comment below and enjoy making your Stevie Nicks style denim halter top.

Next, learn How to DIY a Cute Boho Top for Spring and Summer.

Suggested materials:
  • Halter top pattern
  • Paper for pattern
  • 1 yard (1 meter) medium weight denim
See all materials

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