What to Wear in Winter: 5 Common Winter Styling Mistakes to Avoid

This tutorial is all about what to wear in winter. Giedre will cover five common winter style mistakes that you should know to avoid an unflattering look. Giedre will be focusing on those small details that are very important, which can make or break your outfit. Let's get started.

How to dress for winter

Mistake 1 - No dimension

Dimension in your outfit is a really important element if you want to create an interesting and dynamic look. If you create dimension thoughtfully in your outfit, you can make yourself appear taller and more slender.

There are several ways to create dimension in your look: by incorporating textures, playing around with different colors and prints, and effective layering, which is really very handy in winter when we want to wrap up and feel warm.

How to layer clothing in winter

If you want to create sophisticated and elegant-looking layering, always start to layer with the lightest fabric and then introduce a heavier fabric on top.

Giedre usually chooses her top layer to be the shortest one, and then divides it into vertical lines. 

What is the right coat length for winter?

Mistake 2 - Wrong length of your coat

You might notice that sometimes you put together an outfit, and everything looks quite nice. However, when you put on your coat, something feels off. Why?

Chances are that you are not getting the length of your coat right.

Voluminous bottom pieces like palazzo trousers, wide-leg jeans, maxi or midi skirts, and dresses usually work the best when paired with maxi coats that finish around the knee or even lower.

This way, you are creating a visual harmony because the volume of your coat will create a cohesive balance with the volume of your bottom pieces. 

How to wear a winter coat

Your coat should ideally finish at the same length as your dress, or at least your coat should not finish higher than 10cm (4 inches) above the hemline of your dress or skirt.

If you are on the petite side, Giedre recommends trying on a longline coat, but just make sure you are paying attention to small details like the size of the lapels and the coat’s texture.

You don’t want too bulky details because then you can feel yourself getting swamped by the fabric.

How to accessories in winter

Mistake 3 - Avoiding accessories

With colder weather, we start wearing more knits, turtlenecks, and scarves. Sometimes we tend to forget about our accessories, or sometimes we are even discouraged from wearing them because they can cause some damage to our soft knits.

Wearing simple gold jewelry in winter

Giedre loves choosing jewelry pieces that are timeless and subtle yet have a modern twist. Small pieces of jewelry can really upgrade a look.

Winter fashion mistakes you should know

Creating winter outfits that are too heavy

Mistake 4 - outfits that are too heavy

Have you ever wondered why winter outfits on Instagram, Pinterest, and in magazines all look so well put together and so nice? However, it doesn’t work if you try to achieve something similar. Why?

It's because you are missing out on something very important that Giedre calls ‘shortcuts.’ 

How to create the illusion of layers

Shortcuts are those things that you can layer simply by adding that strip of the fabric as a cuff, collar, bib, or bib turtleneck.

Those small pieces of fabrics you can layer under your sweaters, under your blazers, under your blouses, and they do not add bulk to your frame.

However, they do create interest and give the effect of layering. They are a great way to add dimension to your outfit without making you look bulky or feel sweaty.

Matching shoes with your natural coloring

Mistake 5 - Cutting off your legs

There are several ways we can visually cut off your legs, and Giedre wants to draw attention specifically to the color of your shoes.

Many women assume that black shoes are quite a neutral, basic option that they can go for. However, black shoes are not a neutral option for everyone.

If you have dark skin, dark eyes, or dark hair, you might look very harmonious if you finalize your look with black shoes. However, if you are blonde or have red hair, a neutral color for your shoes will be slightly different.

Matching your shoe color with your natural coloring can create a much better visual harmony.

Choosing shoes that match your coloring

The next winter style mistake that commonly shortens legs is choosing the wrong color for your tights. If you want to elongate your legs and create the most visually appealing proportions, opt for the same color as your shoes or even as your bottom piece.

This way, you will elongate the vertical line of your silhouette, and the eye will travel from head to toe without any disruptions.

If you are incorporating skin-color tights with black shoes and a different color for your bottom piece, you will create those visual boxes.

So just to sum up, the fewer visual disruptions in terms of different colors for your bottom piece, tights, and shoes you have, the better visual effect you will create. 

What to wear in winter

What to wear in winter

Giedre hopes you’ll bear these tips in mind when you’re putting your winter outfits together. Small tweaks and changes to an outfit can sometimes make a big difference and give you a more flattering and proportional appearance.

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  • Lucy Lucy on Dec 22, 2021

    Hello Giedre

    i came accross your video today & liked it very much so I have subscribed. Thank you so much for sharing your fashion expertise. I’m curious, what is your background ? How did you learn your fashion sense ?



  • Nancyb Nancyb on Mar 21, 2022

    Great ideas! thank you for the advice.....
