Make a Stunning Summer Dress From a Blanket

Regine Morales
by Regine Morales
8 Materials
1 Hour

This easy summer dress is such a fun project because it is made from a blanket! I love projects like these because of how much creativity and inspiration they use. So let’s get into it.

Tools and materials:

  • Blanket
  • Measuring tape
  • Tailor’s chalk
  • Scissors
  • Sewing machine
  • Pins
  • Long sleeve shirt
  • Elastic
Sew a summer dress

Cut out your fabric 

Cut out a rectangle that is nine inches long and your chest measurement plus eight inches wide. Zigzag stitch the upper edge. Next, fold the fabric over once and secure it with a straight stitch, creating a tunnel for the lace. Fold the fabric over (right sides together) and sew the side edges together, about three inches from the edge. After that, cut out a second rectangle following the measurements above for the lace. Once it’s cut out, fold both edges towards the center and then fold the rectangle in half to hide the raw edges. You should be left with a thin strip. Secure it with a straight stitch. To finish this step, use a safety pint to loop the lace through the tunnel. 

Upcycled summer dress

Connect the top and bottom pieces 

Cut out a third rectangle following the measurements above (including seam allowance). And now a fourth rectangle that is none inches long and 60 inches wide. Now, going back to the third rectangle, place it right sides together and sew it together using a straight stitch. Sew another stitch across the upper edge and do not backstitch because we will need to gather the fabric later. Now, grab one of the threads and begin to slowly gather the fabric to create ruffles. By the end, the width of the bottom fabric should match the upper fabric from earlier. Once that is done, place the upper piece inside the bottom piece, right sides touching. Pin the pieces together and then sew a straight stitch. Repeat the same processes for the fourth rectangle and attach it to the bottom. 

How to make a summer dress

Make the sleeves

Double fold the bottom edge of the dress for the hem. Next, take an old long-sleeved top and pick the seams on the sleeve. Lay the sleeve on top of folded fabric and use it as a guide for cutting out your sleeves. Remember to add seam allowance. Next, zigzag stitch the upper edge of the sleeves and fold the upper edge to create a tunnel for the elastic. Pin and sew with a straight stitch. Once that’s done, loop the elastic through the tunnel using a safety pin until the elastic is on either edge. Then, sew the edges to secure. Double fold the bottom edge of the sleeves and sew with a straight stitch. Finally, finish by attaching the sleeves to the main body piece. To do this, sew the two pieces together while avoiding the lace (so that it will still be adjustable). 

How to sew a summer dress

I love how this basic summer dress turned out. It’s super trendy and has great summer day vibes. All around, I would call his upcycle, a great success! 

Suggested materials:
  • Blanket
  • Measuring tape
  • Tailor's chalk
See all materials

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