3 Super Cute and Easy DIY Headbands

Sarah Vanderkooy
by Sarah Vanderkooy
13 Materials
10 Minutes

Looking for the perfect, girly accessory to upgrade your look? Follow this simple and cheap tutorial to learn how to make some DIY headbands. Gather the above materials and let’s get to work!

This post was transcribed by a member of the Upstyle editorial team from the original UpstyleTV video.

Tools and materials:

  • Cork headbands covered in satin
  • Measuring tape
  • Scrap fabric
  • Fabric scissors
  • Straight pins or small clips
  • Sewing machine or needle and thread
  • Safety pin
  • Hot glue gun
  • Black velvet
  • Duct tape
  • Felt
  • Fake flowers
  • Wire cutter
Measuring headband

Floral headband

1. Measure your headband

Measure the headband from one tip to the other.

Then, measure the circumference of the widest part. 

Measuring headband

2. Measure fabric

Grab a piece of scrap fabric and measure a piece that is twice the length of the headband. The width of the fabric should be double the diameter as well. In my case, this is about 28” long and 6” wide. 

Measuring fabric

3. Fold and secure

Fold the fabric in half with the right side inward. Then, secure it with safety pins or clips. 

Clipped fabric

4. Sew

Sew a straight stitch all down the open side, creating a tube.

Sewing a straight stitch

Then, turn the tube right side out using a safety pin. Attach it to one end and push it all the way through. 

Pushing fabric through

5. Insert headband into fabric tube

Put the headband through the fabric and scrunch it up.

Inserting headband into fabric tube

6. Gather and glue the ends

Gather the fabric at the end, fold it over on itself and use hot glue to secure it in place.

Gluing the ends

Gluing the ends

7. Finish the ends

Cut two small squares of the same fabric, wrap them around the raw edges and glue them in place. 

Finishing the ends

Here’s the floral headband look:

Finished DIY floral headband

Black velvet headband

1. Cut a piece of fabric

Cut a piece of the black velvet fabric that is roughly the width and length of the headband, with a bit extra to spare. 

2. Secure with hot glue

Glue the center of the headband down to the middle of the fabric.

Gluing black velvet to headband

Gluing black velvet to headband

Then glue the edges over like you are wrapping a present. 

Gluing black velvet to headband

Gluing black velvet to headband

3. Finish the edges

Snip off the excess fabric at the ends if you have a lot. Then, fold over and glue down the last bit of extra fabric to finish the edges.

Finishing the edges

4. Braid 3 strips

Now, cut 3 more strips of the black velvet, a little bit longer than the length of the headband. 

3 black velvet strips

Tape the ends down and braid the strips loosely, for a more substantial braid. Be sure to keep the fabric from twisting so that you only see the velvet side on the top of the braid. 

Braiding black velvet

Close the end of the braid with hot glue between the strands, instead of tying a knot. Remove the tape and do the same thing to close the top of the braid. 

Closing the braid with glue

5. Attach braid to headband

Put a spot of hot glue at the middle on the underside of the braid 

Attaching the braid to the headband

Press the center of the headband gently on the glue spot. 

Attaching the braid to the headband

Then, continue to hot glue the rest of the braid onto the headband. 

Attaching the braid to the headband

6. Make final adjustments

For a seamless look, cut a bit from the edges of the braid and glue it down. 

Finishing off DIY black velvet headband

Here’s the black velvet headband look:

Completed black velvet headband

Flower headband 

1. Cut felt circles

Cut out 4 identical felt circles. You can use any color of felt, but it’s important that the felt is stiff because it will be the base for the flowers.

Felt circles and headband

2. Adhere the felt circles to the headband

Attach the circles to the headband with hot glue. 

Sticking felt circles to headband

3. Prepare the fake flowers

Cut off the stems from the flowers using a wire cutter. The bottoms of the flower heads need to be flat. 

Preparing the fake flowers

4. Attach the flowers

Hot glue the larger flowers to the felt circles first. I was able to fit about 3 blooms on each circle.

Attaching the flowers

Be sure to go all the way to the end of the felt so that you don’t see the circles underneath. 

Attaching the flowers

Then, cut a few small chunks of the filler flower and glue those pieces in between the main flowers. You could add leaves if you prefer. 

Attaching the flowers

Here’s the flower headband look: 

Completed DIY flower headband

Now you have 3 DIY headbands to try out at home. Who will you make these for? Show us your final results in the comments below.

Suggested materials:
  • Cork headbands covered in satin
  • Measuring tape
  • Scrap fabric
See all materials

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