Fashion Over 40: Chic and Elegant Outfit Idea

Heather Anderson
by Heather Anderson

Are you looking for some fashion over 40 styling tips? I love sharing easy ways of looking fabulous in your 40s and beyond. Today, I’ll show you how to style a button-down for summer.

1. Base

Start with a base look. Choose something simple like this nude, hip-hugging long tank dress I’m using. Don’t be afraid to show off your curves.

Fashion over 40 outfit idea

2. Tie it up

Pull on a crisp white button-down shirt. Instead of buttoning the shirt, tie the bottom together twice and rearrange the ends so they sit neatly.

Fashion over 40 outfit idea

Push or roll up the sleeves to keep cool in the summer heat.

Fashion over 40 outfit idea

3. Accessorize

Accessorize and finish off the look with some accessories. I chose a blue bag to add a splash of color.

Fashion over 40 outfit idea

Fashion over 40

This is the perfect mix of classy and stylish. The clean cuts of the dress and the shirt contrast so nicely with the tie at the waist. How do you style your button-downs? Leave me a comment and let me know.

Next, learn How to Style Black Jeans: 10 Timeless Outfit Ideas.

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  • Jalertashka Jalertashka on Jun 25, 2024
    Love the post on fashion over 40! Button-downs are such versatile pieces for summer.
  • Jalertashka Jalertashka on Jun 27, 2024
    Pairing them with some high-waisted shorts or a flowy skirt can keep it chic and breezy. Accessories like statement earrings or a cute belt can really elevate the look.If you’re still hunting for more ideas, I found some options that are perfect for those over 40—elegant without making you look like a nun. Check them out here at They’ve got some great styles that keep it fab and age-appropriate.