Flower Child Meets Golden Girls

I’m a little late to the Wilder train… but I’m so glad I’m finally on it! This pattern is so dreamy, and a super easy make considering how luxurious it feels! I feel like I’m living all my flower-child-meets-golden-girls dreams in this dress.

✄ P A T T E R N: Friday Pattern Company Wilder Gown

✄ V I E W: Maxi Dress

✄ S I Z E C U T: XS

✄ A D J U S T M E N T S:

Added stay stitching to keep gathers in place on neck tie.

✄ F A B R I C: Deadstock chiffon from stash

✄ D I F F I C U L T Y: Easy

✄ D E T A I L S:

This pattern was ALL OVER the sewing world last summer, and it’s easy to see why. When I got this fabric in a care package from a pattern maker I used to work for my first thought was “pink isn’t really my color” and my second thought was “this NEEDS to be a Wilder Gown”. I’m so glad I’ve opened myself up to new horizons in color because I LOVE this dress. I hacked the Ogden Cami to make a slip to go underneath. My favorite activity to do in this dress is float about the house barefoot with a very large glass of white wine. 🙂

✄ Y O U T U B E:

✄ M O R E P I C S:

Happy Sewing!

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Amy Nicole Studio
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