Organize Your Purse With These DIY Twin Pouches

Romela Occaso
by Romela Occaso

How would you like to organize your purse with pouches that have multiple pockets?

I’ll teach you how to make a DIY pouch so you can have an organized tote bag. This purse organizer is well-constructed with multiple pockets. It’s as practical as it is stylish.

Tools and materials:


1. Cut

Cut 2 pieces for the outer fabric at 9 by 16.5 inches and 2 pieces of lining at the same measurement. Cut 2 pieces of interfacing at 8 by 15.5 inches.

Marking the fabric

Measure 2 inches in and down on the corner of the interfacing.

Marking the fabric

Round the corner.

Cutting the interfacing

Fold the interfacing in half lengthwise and cut off the corner on the curve. Trace it on the second piece of interfacing to make the same cut.

Placing the interfacing on the fabric

Place the interfacing on the 2 pieces of outer fabric and iron.

Placing the interfacing on the fabric

Stack all the fabric and cut all the rounded corners tracing the shape of the interfacing.

Attaching the fabric pieces

2. Sew

Put the lining on top of the fabric with the right sides facing in. Sew the straight ends together on each set.

Ironing the fabric

Open the lining and press the seam down.

Marking the fabric

3. Measure

Measure down from the seam on the side of the outer fabric 1.25 inches down. Then 1.25 inches below that. Mark those points.

Measure 4 inches down from the seam and draw a straight line 1 inch in from the side. Do the same on the other side. Then connect both sides.

Making a pocket

4. Pocket

Place the outer fabric pieces together right sides facing in and sew around the bottom 3 sides of the square rectangle you just drew out.

Folding the fabric

5. Side one

Open the lining to both sides with one side over the outer fabric. Fold the lining and 1 piece of outer fabric up at both sides of the rectangle and pin them.

Folding the fabric

Fold the edges all the way to the bottom, then fold the bottom up twice and pin it up.

Marking the fabric

Measure 6 inches down on one side and mark it.

Then measure ¾ inch down from there and another ¾ from that point. Mark the same measurements on the other side.

Marking the fabric

Mirror those same measurements on the lining.

Pinning the fabric

Back at the fabric, put a pin in each of the marked points on both sides. Fold the fabric to the first point.

Folding the fabric

Open and pull up and fold the lines to the second point.

Pinning the fabric

Then fold the other half of the fabric up at the third point.

Pinning the fabric

Clip the folds in place and pin the sides together.

Clipping the fabric

Do the same folding with the marks on the lining, until it’s folded upwards. Clip or pin along the folds and edges.

Clipping the fabric

Place the flaps of the tops facing each other and pin them together, leaving a 4-inch opening at the top.

Clipped fabric piece

Adjust the pins or clips to pin all the fabric together. Sew the sides leaving the 4-inch opening.

Turning the fabric

6. Side 2

Remove the pins and turn it right side out.

Fabric piece

Repeat the process on the other side.

Fabric piece
Marking the fabric
Pinning the fabric
Pinning the fabric
Turning the fabric
Ironing the fabric

Turn it right side out, and iron it down. 

Topstitching the fabric

Topstitch across the opening of the bag to sew the 4-inch openings closed.

Adding a button snap

7. Snap

To place a snap, fold the pouch in half lengthwise to find the center. Then put your snap in.

DIY pouch
DIY pouch
DIY pouch

DIY pouch

I love this twin pouch tote organizer. Not only is this pouch adorable, but it’s practical too.

I hope you enjoyed this DIY tutorial.

Now you know how to organize a tote bag with an easy and convenient pouch.

Leave me a comment and let me know how your pouch came out.

Next, learn How to Sew a Soft Sunglasses Pouch.

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