How to Change Your Face Shape With Blush

1 Material
1 Minute

Here, I’m going to show you how to change your face shape with blush.

If you’re not sure exactly where on your face you should be applying your blush, this tutorial has you covered.


1. Lifted

For a lifted look, you want to apply blush on the upper outer corners of your cheeks and then blend it in.


Here is the lifted look.

2. Shorten face

Shorten face

To shorten your face, on the other hand, place the blush about a third of the way down your cheeks.

Doing this breaks up the cheek and one’s line of vision when they look at it and thus creates the illusion of your cheek being shorter.

Shorten face

Here is how it looks.

3. Sunkissed


Lastly, for a sunkissed look, apply the blush in a horizontal line across the front of your cheeks and just below the bridge of your nose. 


And here is the sunkissed look.

How to change your face shape with blush

There we have three different ways that you can apply blush that help you change the shape of your face and create different effects. I hope you found this helpful! If so, leave a comment.

For more beauty tips, check out How to DIY a Simple Acne Spot Treatment

Follow me on Instagram   @beauty_glow_more.

Suggested materials:
  • Blush

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