Loofah Bar Soap With Soap Base
Soap base bar soap with luffa sponges inside. You'll have super soft skin that's moisturized. The soap is beautiful and useful and makes a great gift!
Slices of luffa turn ordinary soap into a luxurious gift. The soap is simple to make with this soap base. I love to use this base that moisturizing soap using natural ingredients!
Cut the base into cubes and melt it. For melting instructions, see the blog post below. Once you have the soap melted. Add the ingredients of your choice. You can cut a luffa sponge by using a serrated knife. Scissors will cut them, but they cut much smoother and easier with a knife. I use a bread knife. Click here to see where you can get luffas or seeds to grow your own at home.
To make luffa soap, put a nice slice of luffa into your soap mold first.
Then take your melted soap base and add whatever you'd like. Textures and fragrances enhance the soap. I use high quality essential oils. To see where to get the oils or what combinations make beautiful and interesting soaps, click on the blog post below.
Next pour the soap over the luffas until the mold is full. The soaps take a while to harden into a bar. Let the filled molds sit undisturbed for at least an hour but until they are firm. Once you take them out of the molds, they will take on moisture if you don't keep them in an air tight container.
This bar looks beautful with lemon zest on top. Oatmeal makes a pretty texture too. Click on the blog post below for recipes for the soaps.
Cover your soaps with plastic wrap or store them in an air tight container. Make sure you store them seperately so they scents don't intermingle. You'll have a much better soap bar to use or give as a gift.
The soaps look gorgeous stacked up in mason jars.
These soaps just take a few minutes of time to make and are gorgeous for giving and wonderful for using. I hope you'll try your hand at making some!
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How are the loofah cut? Any particular knife, scissors, or tips?
Unwrapping soap and allowing it to really dry allows it to last longer. It's called saponification. ' making the soap more soapy '. Soap lasts
longer when it's harder.
I've grown luffas, then hung in basement to turn brown and brittle .put into large paper bag, break off skin, cut stem end off and shake out black seeds ( save for planting). I have cut the luffas in half lengthwise, and seen onto a material that is like what's used for outside cushions, added large loop handles on each end. Makes great gifts. Shower back washers. With luffas and saponified cocoa butter, happy showering.