6 Easy Fashion Mistakes to Avoid This Summer

Silvana Patrick
by Silvana Patrick
10 Minutes

If you want to know how to look more polished and put together this summer, then follow this tutorial.

I will show the most common fashion mistakes women make in the summer and how you can avoid those fashion traps.

Plastic black dress

1. Choose the right fabrics and styles

On hot summer days, you want to dress to feel cool and fresh. But many women choose the wrong types of fabric to achieve that.

Synthetic, for example, is essentially plastic, so wearing synthetic clothes is like dressing in a garbage bag. That’s not too cool!

So, remember to choose natural fibers that breathe, like linen and cotton.

While it is true that natural fiber fabrics are more expensive than synthetics, they are generally more durable, and you will feel far more comfortable in them.

Outfit idea

Choosing roomier clothing styles, rather than tight clothes, will give you more freedom of movement.

If you don’t want to look baggy, choose something looser for the bottom, like Bermuda shorts, and offset the volume with a pretty, fitted top.

Scarf with dress

2. Make use of your scarves

A silk scarf shouts chic and elegant, and there are so many ways you can use one in the summer.

Wear it as a traditional neck scarf.

Wearing head scarf

On your head.

Wearing scarf as top

Or even as a top!

Outfit idea

3. Pay attention to grooming

Our skin, hair and nails are exposed to sun and heat in the summer, and need extra care.

Make sure you use sunscreen and wear a sun hat.


Consider cutting back on your makeup in the summer.

For starters, foundation doesn’t let your skin breathe. Plus, you perspire more in the summer so your makeup doesn’t last as long.

If you are wearing makeup, choose products that are good for your skin and make it look glowy.

Of course, make sure you stay moisturized and hydrated, inside and out. Try doubling your moisturizer, then add a light blush, a coat of mascara and maybe a bit of lipstick with gloss on top.

Filing nails

Make sure you keep your nails perfectly groomed, well-filed, and freshly painted.

White nails

White and bright colors look especially good with tanned skin!

Tip: If you have nails that peel or chip, use alpha hydroxy acid on your nails up to twice a day.


Don’t wear your hair in tight styles, because that can be damaging to your hair. Try a loose silk scrunchie instead.

Combing hair

Choose a wooden comb instead of a synthetic brush, don’t comb your hair when it’s wet, and use a protective hair serum.

Cute purse

4. Pick a good bag

A small, structured bag, rather than a big, slouchy one, will instantly make you look more put together.

Cute purse

You can add a small structured bag to a dressy or casual outfit, to elevate your look.

Maxi dress

5. Know how to style a maxi dress

A cool, loose maxi dress is a summer staple!

Wear it with flat shoes and minimal accessories to keep your look simple and fresh.

Over-accessorizing a maxi-dress will make your look outdated.

Summer shoes

6. Choose the right summer shoes

The beach is not the place for heels! Find a medium heel in a nice summer color.

They can be sandals or mules, and wear them with everything to look polished and comfortable.

Summer heels

Shoes are a great place to start playing with bright colors.

Outfit idea

If you want to dabble in trends, consider some platform shoes for special occasions.

Fashion mistakes to avoid

Fashion mistakes

I hope you try some or all of the summer styling tips, and avoid the fashion mistakes that you’ll ultimately regret.

Leave a comment to let me know what your favorite summer 2023 style is!

Then check out my post on How to Dress to Look Slim and Tall.

The author may collect a small share of sales from the links on this page.

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2 of 5 comments
  • Secarious39 Secarious39 on May 07, 2024

    Summer fashion can be a blast, but it's easy to slip up and make some fashion faux pas. Checking out tips like the ones on https://sandytimes.ae/articles/154/fashion-apps-every-uae-fashionista-needs can help you stay on top of your summer-style game.

    One mistake I see people make is wearing clothes that are too tight or too loose for the hot weather. It's important to find the right balance to stay comfortable and stylish.

    Another common mistake is forgetting to protect your skin from the sun. Wearing sunscreen and a hat can help you stay safe while looking cool.

  • Silvana Patrick Silvana Patrick on May 09, 2024

    That's so true!
