How to Sew a Sexy Raglan Sleeve Dress

Isa in Stitches
by Isa in Stitches
5 Materials
2 Hours

Hey guys! I’m going to show you how to make a raglan sleeve dress. This bodycon mini dress has a wide and low neckline to highlight the neck, collarbone and shoulder area.

It should beautifully frame one or more necklaces should you choose to wear any. The raglan sleeves allow you to pull the shoulders down without making the dress look weird.

I used a heavy %100 cotton ribbed fabric, but you can use whichever fabric you prefer.

When choosing your fabric, take into consideration how you want the fabric to sit on your body. If you want something that’s a bit tighter you can use a fabric with some elasticity.

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Tools and materials:

  • Fabric
  • Pattern
  • Scissors
  • Needles
  • Sewing machine
Pattern pieces

Pattern pieces

1. Create the pattern

Cut the pattern so that you have a front piece, a back piece and two sleeves.


2. Pin and sew

Start by pinning the sleeves to the front part of the dress. 


Pin the sleeves right sides together to the front and then pin the sleeves to the back.

Sew everything together using a straight stitch, and finish the edges with an overlock or a zigzag stitch. 


Make sure to let the fabric get fed naturally through the machine without pulling or stretching the fabric.

Assembling raglan sleeve dress

2. Put everything together with one long seam

The second step is to close the sides and the sleeves of the dress in one big seam.

Again, you will use a straight stitch and finish the edges with an overlock.

If you don’t have an overlock machine, I recommend finishing the edges with a zig zag stitch or an overlock stitch on your regular sewing machine. 

Assembling raglan sleeve dress

Finishing the edges is an important step for a fitted dress like this.

If you skip this step, the seam allowances might open and curl up. This would create bumps on the sides of the dress when wearing it.

Sewing hems

3. Sew all the hems

The last step is making all the hems. All the hems are going to be simple, one-fold hems.

Baste your seam allowances, fold, and pin all the seams and sew. 

Sewing hems

I sewed all the hems with my twin needle but you can use a straight stitch or zig zag stitch if you prefer.

You can start with the bottom hem. Then move on to the wrist hem and lastly, the neckline hem.

DIY raglan sleeve dress

DIY raglan sleeve dress

DIY raglan sleeve dress

And just like that the dress is done! I love the way this dress hugs my curves.

I also love that it’s sexy without revealing very much. Doing it in white also gives it a very clean and classy high-end look.

How did your dress come out? Let me know in the comments section.

For more sewing content, check out my post on How to DIY a Cute Red Mini Skirt in 8 Easy Steps.

Suggested materials:
  • Fabric
  • Pattern
  • Scissors
See all materials

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