How to Make the Easiest Jumpsuit

10 Materials
2 Hours

After I made the easiest dress, I wanted to make the easiest DIY jumpsuit.

Buy enough fabric to wrap around your body with an overlap. The side pockets are optional!

Let's get into it.

Tools and materials:

  • Smocked dress fabric
  • Pocket template (optional)
  • Measuring tape
  • Ruler
  • Fabric marker
  • Scissors
  • Pinking shears
  • Pins
  • Iron
  • Sewing machine

1. Cut the fabric

This is the fabric I used.

Wrapping fabric

Wrap the fabric around you and mark how much you need.

Remember to add four seam allowances if you’re including pockets.

Cutting fabric

Cut through the elastic, then rip the fabric to get a straight edge.

Fold the fabric in half and cut and rip it again for the other side seam.

Cutting fabric

Fold the extra fabric in half twice.

Cut out four strips of fabric for the straps, 5 inches (17.5 cm) wide by 32 inches (80 cm) long.

Side seam pocket template

Optionally, cut four pocket pieces. You can find a template online.

Adding pockets

2. Add the pockets

Pin and sew a pocket piece to each side seam, with the right sides facing.

Folding straps

Fold each strap in half lengthways with the right side inside.

Cut an angle at one end.

Sew the angled edge and long sides together.

Turning straps right side out

Turn the straps right side out and press flat.

Topstitch around all sides of the straps.

Side seams

4. Side seams

Join the side seams with the right sides facing.

Don’t forget to sew around the pocket pieces when you get to them.

Cutting the leg seams

5. Cut the leg seams

Try the dress on and mark where you want the legs to start. 

Cutting the leg seams

Make sure you leave plenty of room so you can sit down comfortably. For me that was about 26 1/2” (66.25 cm).

Fold the dress in half at the center front and measure the length you need along the fold.

Cutting the leg seams

Cut through the front and back to make two leg panels.

Shape a curve at the top for the crotch seam.

Inner leg seams

6. Inner leg seams

Unfold the fabric and pin and sew the inner leg seams together.

Take care when sewing the top of the leg that the fabric doesn’t bunch up.

Inner leg seams

7. Try on

I tried the jumpsuit on and I had a lot of extra fabric at the front.

I made a pleat in the center front and sewed it, then cut away the excess with pinking shears.

Straps and hem

8. Straps and hem

Try the jumpsuit on and decide where you want the straps.

Pin and sew them in place.

Turn up a double fold hem on each leg and topstitch.

DIY jumpsuit

DIY jumpsuit  

Here’s the finished look! Isn’t it cute? I even had enough fabric left to make a matching headband.

Let me know in the comments what you think.

Next, check out my Easy DIY Makeup Bag Tutorial.

For more sewing content, follow me on TikTok:    @kenjahb

Suggested materials:
  • Smocked dress fabric
  • Pocket template (optional)
  • Measuring tape
See all materials

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