Make This Cream for the Bride to Use Morning Of

by Shalini
9 Materials
20 Minutes

Here’s a recipe and instructions for a lovely hand cream.

This DIY hand cream leaves skin glowing, lightens dark spots and improves skin tone.

It also has a gorgeous scent, so you might want to give this hand cream as a gift — maybe to a bride on the morning of her wedding!

Tools and materials:

  • Flax seed
  • Raw almonds
  • Rose water
  • Aloe vera gel
  • Almond oil
  • Small blender
  • Strainer
  • Small bowl and spoon
  • Small plastic container with lid
Making hand cream

1. Make the hand cream

Start with 1 teaspoon of flaxseed in a small bowl.

Making hand cream

Add in 5 or 6 whole, raw almonds.

Making hand cream

Add rose water to cover the flax seed and almonds.

Making hand cream

Let the mixture soak for 7 to 8 hours.

Making hand cream

Check out how the almonds change color after soaking.

Making hand cream

Now, pour the whole mixture, with the rose water, into a blender and blend well.

Making hand cream

Strain the blended mixture into a clean bowl.

Making hand cream

You can use a spoon to press all of the cream mixture through the strainer.

Making hand cream

Now, add 2 teaspoons of aloe vera gel to the strained mixture.

Making hand cream

Add ½ teaspoon of almond oil.

Making hand cream

Mix well, and you will have a nice creamy, smooth mixture.

Storing hand cream

2. Store your hand cream

You can store this hand cream in a small plastic container with a lid for up to one month.

Applying hand cream

3. Apply your hand cream

To use your hand cream, simply massage into your skin.

Applying hand cream

You can also use this cream on your face, to reduce signs of aging and improve your facial skin tone.

Applying hand cream

DIY cream for glowing skin

Use this cream on your hand and face daily for the best results. 

Give this beautiful DIY hand cream a try and leave a message to let me know how you like the results!

Next, Rub Half a Potato on Your Underarms for This Beauty Hack.

You should also follow me on Instagram:    @beauty__secrets_with_shalini

Suggested materials:
  • Flax seed
  • Raw almonds
  • Rose water
See all materials

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