Rub Half a Potato on Your Underarms for This Beauty Hack

by Shalini
10 Materials
15 Minutes

Rub half a potato on your underarms for this beauty hack! It’s worth a try if you suffer from dark underarms.

Tools and materials:

  • Potato
  • Sharp knife
  • Toothpick
  • Measuring spoons
  • Instant coffee 
  • Baking powder
  • Lemon
  • Washcloth
  • Warm water
  • Moisturizer
Scoring potato

1. Cut a potato and score it

Cut off one end of a potato and score it with a toothpick to help the juices come out.

2. Pour instant coffee powder on the potato

Measure ¼ teaspoon of instant coffee and shake it on the flat part of the potato.

Adding coffee

3. Add baking powder

Measure ¼ teaspoon of baking powder and shake it on as well.

Adding baking powder

4. Add lemon juice

Cut a lemon and add 2-3 drops of lemon juice (optional).

Adding lemon

5. Soften the skin

Place a warm towel on the pigmented area for 5 minutes to soften the skin.

Holding towel to skin

6. Scrub

Scrub your underarm with the potato for 10 minutes. 

Scrubbing skin

7. Clean and moisturize

Wash off and apply moisturizer to your underarms. 


If you have dark underarms, do this potato beauty hack twice a week for best results.

Lightened armpits

Rub half a potato on your underarms for this beauty hack

I hope you enjoyed this beauty hack for dark underarms! Next, try this natural hair mask to remove hair.

You should also follow me on Instagram:   @beauty__secrets_with_shalini

Suggested materials:
  • Potato
  • Sharp knife
  • Toothpick
See all materials

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