Super Easy Mascara Hack For Seriously Voluminous Lashes

Smitha Deepak
by Smitha Deepak
4 Materials
5 Minutes

Hi everyone. Today, I’m super excited to be testing out a simple mascara hack for you.

I’ll try the hack out on my right eye and apply mascara normally to my left eye so we can compare the end result.

Stay tuned, because it’s pretty impressive! Let’s get started.

Tools and materials:

  • Eyelash curler
  • Mascara
  • Concealer
  • Loose powder
Priming lashes with concealer

1. Curl lashes and prime with concealer

Start off by curling your eyelashes and priming them with your regular concealer.

Dipping your mascara wand into loose powder

2. Dip your mascara wand into loose powder

Take your mascara wand and coat it completely in loose powder. 

Putting mascara wand back into tube

Then, pop the wand back into the mascara tube.

Applying mascara

3. Apply

Apply a generous amount of mascara to your eyelashes and be impressed with the results!

Easy mascara hack

Easy mascara hack

This simple mascara hack makes such a huge difference to the appearance of your eye makeup. I’m completely obsessed! 

Will you be trying out this hack? Let me know in the comments down below. Do you have any similar tips and tricks? I’d love to hear about them!

For more makeup content, check out my post on How to Apply Gold Shimmer Eyeshadow on Mature Skin.

Suggested materials:
  • Eyelash curler
  • Mascara
  • Concealer
See all materials

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