Call the Midwife-inspired: Easy Curly Vintage Hairstyle Tutorial

6 Materials
15 Minutes

In this tutorial, Iā€™m going to show you a curly vintage hairstyle inspired by the character Jenny from the TV show Call the Midwife.

I love it because, number one, it's easy, and number two, it works great with hats. It can also either be dressed up or dressed down, so itā€™s a versatile look.

Tools and materials:

  • Foam rollers
  • Setting lotion
  • Brush
  • Pomade
  • Bobby pin or hair comb
  • Hairspray
Curling hair

1. Curl your hair

I did an overnight wet set using one-inch foam rollers. I packed in as many curls as I could in order to create a really curly look.

If you donā€™t want to use foam rollers, you can go ahead and use your favorite curl method. Just follow the same curl pattern.

Applying setting lotion

2. Apply setting lotion

Apply some setting lotion to your curled hair before you sleep on it.

Breaking up curls

3. Break up curls

The next day, unroll the rollers.

Go ahead and break up the curls gently with your fingers. Then brush the curls out and part your hair on the corner of your forehead.

Applying pomade

4. Apply pomade

An overnight wet set does create a bit of frizz, so to help reduce the frizz, youā€™re going to want to use a pomade.

I am using a wax-based pomade which means it weighs a little bit heavier on the hair.

If you have a really hard time keeping curls in your hair, then you're probably going to want to go with something a little bit lighter, like a water-based pomade.

Clipping hair back

5. Clip your hair back

On one side of youā€™re head, youā€™re going to be bringing the hair back, so to do that, you can either choose a bobby pin or a hair comb.

For the comb, you're just going to sweep the hair back, twist it right where you have it pinched, push it forward just a little bit, and then take the comb and place it in.

If the hair is lying a little too flat on the head, go ahead and tug on it a little bit.

Applying hairspray

6. Apply hairspray

Take your hair spray, give it a spritz, and run your hand over it while it's still wet.

Brushing gap

7. Brush the gap

One thing that can happen when you're doing overnight wet sets is you can get a bit of a gap in the hair.

To close the gap, just take your brush and wiggle it through your hair.

Brushing out curls

8. Brush out the curls

To style that side of the hair, take a section from behind where you clipped back and brush it towards the front.

You want all the hair to go towards the face, but you don't want it to have one continuous curl.

Then, when you have it how you like it, apply some hairspray.

Backcombing the front

9. Backcomb the front

Now for the other side of the hair. If you're like me and you're a little bit thinner on the top section of hair at the front, youā€™re going to do a little bit of backcombing.

If you have thicker hair, you won't need to do this.

Take the very front section of hair and backcomb it right at the base to give it a little bit of height. They brush it on the front, so it doesn't fall flat and hairspray it.

Combing hair

10. Comb the side

Take all the hair on that side, brush all of it back, and then you're going to - just like we did on the other side - pinch it together, give it a twist, and then push it forward.

You want some nice volume at the front, so if you need to, grab the hair and tug at it a bit.

Clipping side

11. Clip the side

Where your fingers are pinched, take a bobby pin or a comb and place it in. If youā€™re using pins, you want to use two and crisscross them.

Brushing out curls

12. Brush out the curls

Brush the curls to direct them all towards the front, again ensuring that you donā€™t have just one big curl.

Once you get it the way you like it, apply hairspray.

Vintage hair accessory

To style your hair, you can either wear it the way it is, wear a hat, or pop in a sweet hair flower.

I think it looks absolutely darling with a hat, and Iā€™m placing the hat behind the front part of the curl. 

Curly vintage hairstyle

Curly vintage hairstyle

And here we have our Jenny from Call the Midwife-inspired hair tutorial. I hope you guys like it. Itā€™s really easy to create but oh so sweet and charming.

For more hair content, check out my Easy Hair Tutorial: How to Make Your Curls Last Longer.

Suggested materials:
  • Foam rollers
  • Setting lotion
  • Brush
See all materials

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