How to Use Rice and Sugar for Glowing Skin

by Shikha
4 Materials
10 Minutes

Hi everyone. Today, I’m going to show you how to use rice and sugar outside of the kitchen to create a natural facial scrub that will leave your skin glowing.

You probably have all of the ingredients for this DIY already, so let’s get started.

Tools and materials:

  • White rice
  • Sugar
  • Blender
  • Jar or bowl
Cooked rice

1. Blend two tablespoons of cooked rice

Measure out two tablespoons of cooked white rice and then blend it into a silky cream.

Adding sugar

2. Add one tablespoon of sugar

Next, add one tablespoon of sugar to the blended rice and mix.

Applying rice and sugar mask to skin

3. Apply to skin

Now you can go ahead and apply the DIY rice and sugar scrub to your skin. Rub gently and in circular motions then rinse it off.

DIY rice and sugar scrub for glowing skin

DIY rice and sugar scrub for glowing skin

This DIY scrub makes my skin so soft and glowing and I hope it does the same for you.

Let me know how you get on with this simple beauty DIY in the comments section down below.

Next,  Moisturize Your Face Overnight With 2 Ingredients.

Find me on Instagram:   @diybyshikha

Find me on YouTube:  DIY By Shikha 

See you all next time.

Suggested materials:
  • White rice
  • Sugar
  • Jar or bowl
See all materials

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