A Natural Way for You to Remove Gray From Your Dark Hair

by Shalini
8 Materials
20 Minutes

This hair hack will provide you with a natural way to remove gray from your dark hair. It will also give you silky, shiny, frizz-free hair in your natural color.

The best part is, it is made from all-natural ingredients that you probably already have at home.

Tools and materials:

  • Henna
  • Curd
  • ½ Beetroot
  • 2 teaspoons coffee grinds
  • Bowl
  • Grinder
  • Saucepan
  • Water
Mixing henna and curd

1. Henna and curd

Pour a bag of henna powder into a bowl. Add a small cup of curd (about 1/8 of a cup).

Mixing beetroot and coffee

2. Beetroot and coffee

Take half a beetroot, add some water, and grind it up. Pour it into a saucepan and add 2 teaspoons of coffee grinds. 

Boiling mixture

Boil it for 3-4 minutes.

Letting mixture sit

3. Combine and let it sit

Add this to the henna and curd and mix it well. Cover it and leave it to sit for 4 hours.

Adding an egg

After 4 hours add 1 egg (this step is optional).

Applying mixture to hair

4. Application

Mix it well and apply it to clean hair. 

Applying mixture to hair

Leave it in your hair for 2 hours. Then wash it out with just water.

Shiny hair after DIY dye

Shiny hair after DIY dye

A natural way for you to remove gray from your dark hair

This mixture will stimulate hair growth and prevent hair loss in addition to covering up pesky grays. You no longer need to rely on heavy chemicals to treat your hair.

Try this hair hack at home and leave me a comment to let me know what you think of it.  

To view more of my beauty tips and tricks, follow me on Instagram:     @beauty__secrets_with_shalini.

Suggested materials:
  • Henna
  • Curd
  • ½ Beetroot
See all materials

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