3 Elegant Sloane Ranger Scarf Ideas

5 Minutes

Where I live, the days are getting much shorter, and there is definitely a chill in the air. This is the time of the year when we start to wear our scarves for comfort, to keep our necks nice and toasty, as well as style.

A Sloane Ranger, for those of you who don’t know, is a term for an upper-class person who dresses in a very sophisticated way.

In this Sloane Ranger-style country edition tutorial, I will show you some interesting ways to wear your headscarf together with a hat or cap for extra warmth and security.

If you want to know how to wear an elegant scarf, keep reading.

Classic Sloane Ranger

Tying the scarf

1. Tie the scarf

Fold your scarf into a triangle and drape it over your head.

It doesn’t need to be right at the front of your head, but rather cover about ⅔ of your head.

Tie it with a single knot and place the knot towards the front of your chin.

Adjusting the scarf

2. Adjust the scarf

Spread the scarf and the ties out a bit.

Also, adjust the positioning to ensure you are happy where the scarf is on your head and where the tie is.

Classic sloane ranger scarf style

Here’s how it looks from the back.

Sometimes when we wear scarves, they are so twisted and tied up that we can’t appreciate the beauty of the scarf design.

Wearing your scarf like this allows onlookers to see the entire pattern on the scarf - doesn’t it just look beautiful?

Classic sloane ranger scarf style

Now let’s pair it with a hat. I placed a fedora over the top in a lovely fall brown which also matches the colors in my scarf.

My whole head is covered, and I love the contrast in textures, shape, and color between the hat and the scarf.

Higher tie

Tying the scarf

1. Tie the scarf

Do the same first step as last time, positioning the scarf on your head and tying a knot.

This time though, you want the knot to be higher up, just under your lips.

Widening the front

2. Widen the front

Finish by pulling out the front fold to widen it.

Higher tie style

Style it with a hat, and you have an elegant, sophisticated look.

Scarf and cap

Tying the scarf

1. Tie the scarf

Once again, place the scarf over your head and tie it as before, with the tie coming under your chin.

Scarf and cap style

I placed a cap over the top for an unusual combination.

Scarf and cap style

Here is the same scarf and cap combination, but this time, the scarf is tied under my lips. Which look do you prefer?

Elegant scarf ideas

Considering factors such as face shape and whether or not you wear glasses will help you to decide where to tie the scarf and what hat to wear with it. It’s also nice to match your scarf and your hat by wearing a hat in a color that is featured in your scarf.

If you enjoyed this scarf-tying tutorial, check out my post on How to Wear a Silk Scarf to Elevate Any Outfit.

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