Easy Tips on How to Have a Good Hair Day Every Day

Valentina Arjona
by Valentina Arjona
5 Minutes

We often make a lot of mistakes that leave us with damaged and dull hair.

I’m going to share how to have a good hair day by letting you know the most common hair mistakes to avoid and some tips on how to do it correctly.

Let’s get into it!


Mistakes you make when you wash your hair

In this category, I’m going to share how to shower at night and have good hair. 

Washing hair

Mistake 1: You’re washing your hair too often

Washing your hair too often removes the natural oils from your scalp that are necessary to have great hair.

Start washing your hair 2-3 times a week or less. I recommend at least once a day in between washes. 


Mistake 2: Shampooing your ends

You’re using shampoo wrong!

You don’t need to shampoo your ends; there’s more than enough shampoo that comes down into your hair when you’re washing your roots.

Shampooing your ends will dry them more than necessary and it’s a waste of product.


Mistake 3: Conditioning your scalp

Similarly, conditioner isn’t made for you to use on your roots. You only need to apply your conditioner from the mids to the ends.

Conditioning your roots will make your hair look greasy and oily. Work the conditioner in for at least a minute and then rinse it with water.

Do not create friction

Mistake 4: Creating friction on your ends

Don’t scrub your ends. Doing this actually creates split ends.

Simply pass your fingers through your hair without creating friction in your ends. 

Rinsing hair

Mistake 5: Not rinsing your hair properly

Pay attention when you’re rinsing your hair in the shower.

Make sure you use enough water and that you take the time to rinse out all of the shampoo, conditioner, and other products like hair masks. 

Using a clarifying shampoo

Mistake 6: Never using a clarifying shampoo

Every once in a while use a clarifying shampoo with sulfates in it to get rid of product build-up in your hair and your scalp.

If you have too much silicone or product build-up, this is going to get rid of everything and let you start new.

Styling hair

Mistakes you make when you style your hair

In this category, I’ll share style tips so you can have great hair every day.

When to detangle hair

Mistake 1: Detangling your hair after the shower

Showering then having your hair in a towel for hours leaves it in a delicate state.

Detangling in the shower with conditioner makes it super easy to detangle and it won’t damage your hair.

Detangling after your hair’s been in a towel is going to be harder. 

Hair in towel

Mistake 2: Pulling on your hair

If you’re always using a turban or a towel to dry your hair and it’s too tight, you can create a lot of tension in your hair.

You can end up losing hair and your hairline will get thinner. This can also happen when you put your hair in a tight ponytail too often, so avoid doing that.

If you use a towel, make sure it’s not too tight and you don’t leave it for long.

Using hot tool

Mistake 3: Using hot tools on damp hair

The hair must be 100% dry before you put any direct heat on it. This includes when you’re using a hair dryer.

When using a hair dryer, use the low or cold setting to dry it up to 50% before you start using maximum heat.

When it’s too hot, it can boil the water in your hair and it will damage your hair even more.

Detangling hair

Mistake 4: Detangling the wrong way

Don’t brush through every knot as you’ll break your hair.

The correct way is to start from the ends and start going upward. It’s way easier to get rid of knots and it’ll hurt less. 


Mistakes you make when maintaining your hair

Healthy hair

Mistake 1: Applying hair masks irregularly

Applying a hair mask every 6 months when you get a haircut might make your hair look good for a day or a week, but it’s not really doing anything.

You need to be consistent with your hair. Do a natural hair mask at least once a week or once a month and then splurge on a fancy one just once a year.

Cutting hair

Mistake 2: Never cutting your hair

The main reason my hair grows really fast is because I cut it at least every 2-3 months.

I cut my hair when it looks dull, it has no shape, and it’s getting hard to style.

You don’t have to chop all of your hair off. Just trimming the ends will make a difference in your hair.

How to have a good hair day

I hope these tips and tricks are really useful and you can change any habits that may be ruining your hair.

Let me know in the comments if you were making one of these mistakes!

Next, check out my Easy At-home 90s Blowout Tutorial.

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