Remove Your Blackheads With This Easy Vaseline Hack

Bisma Faraz
by Bisma Faraz
4 Materials
10 Minutes

Here is the quickest, easiest skincare hack you can find for removing blackheads.

This blackhead hack only uses one ingredient and simple household “tools,” so let’s get started!

Best blackhead remover tools!

Get rid of blackheads with this bestseller blackhead remover tool kit that Amazon reviewers swear by!

Tools and materials:

  • Petroleum jelly (Vaseline)
  • Kitchen plastic wrap
  • Face cloth
  • Bobby pin
Applying Vaseline

1. Apply the Vaseline

Simply use your fingertip to apply Vaseline over the areas of your skin that have blackheads (typically your nose and chin.)

Covering blackheads

2. Cover your blackheads

Place strips of plastic wrap over the skin that you’ve applied the Vaseline to.

Be careful to not cover any of your airways (nostrils or mouth) with the plastic wrap!

Applying warm cloth

3. Dab with a warm cloth

Warm up a face cloth, and tap it over the plastic wrap for five minutes.

Removing blacheads

4. Remove your blackheads

First, remove the plastic wrap.

Scraping blacheads

Then, use the closed end of a bobby pin to gently scrape off the loosened blackheads from your skin.

Easy blackhead hack

Easy blackhead hack

You may be grossed-out by what you see on the bobby pin when you are done, but you will love how clean and clear your skin looks! 

It’s really just that simple, so give this skincare hack a try, and then let me know how it worked for you by leaving a comment.

Next, check out my GENIUS Hack for Women With Dry Skin.

Follow me on TikTok:  @bronzedbisma

Suggested materials:
  • Petroleum jelly (Vaseline)
  • Kitchen plastic wrap
  • Face cloth
See all materials

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