Dog Hair Don't Care: Another Freezer Paper Stencil DIY

Every crazy dog girls needs two things, her furry friend and the swag that affirms her obsession. Mine happens to be a one year old English cream golden retriever, whom i fondly call Buckley & my little brother. Sure he’s adorable, but he has a bad habit of leaving pieces of himself everywhere he goes. Referring to this constant corralling of dust bunnies, this sweatshirt was the perfect way to advertise my canine love affair. & Luckily if you have a similar issue with your fuzzy friend, using freezer paper and some Martha Stewart craft paint, you can make a silly shirt just like mine.

What you’ll need:

  • Freezer paper
  • X-acto knife
  • Fabric Mod-Podge
  • Multi-purpose craft paint
  • Foam brush
  • Iron

Find something that inspires you to create your stencil. For my crazy dog lady look, I used the Sweet Pea font in Microsoft word. (like mine? download it here). Cut a piece of freezer paper about the size of your stencil. Then comes the tedious part. Trace & cut out your stencil (wax side down). For bigger prints these may not be so tedious, but the curves of my font took forever to excise with precision. For any design – cut out the inner most parts first*

When your stencil is finally completed, place on your shirt and iron into place. The iron should be on a setting appropriate to the material and used without steam. Once the edges of the stencil are firm against the shirt, lightly blot with fabric paint. I did two coats, but repeat until opaque. A paint coat to heavy will ooze through the stencil, appearing less finished.

Once the paint is dry, blot with fabric Mod-Podge. This goes on white and dries clear. You can skip this step if you are using regular fabric paint. This helps seal in your image and help its chances of survival verse a washing machine. Wait until it dries, and peel off your stencil. Wash cold & tumble dry.

Enjoy with a furry friend



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One CrafDIY Girl
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