Turn a Silk Scarf Into a One Shoulder Top

1 Material
2 Minutes

Here’s another great scarf hack!

Follow along to see how you can turn a large silk scarf into a one shoulder top. It’s easy and won’t cost you a penny!

Best of all, there’s no cutting or sewing involved, so your scarf is left completely intact.

Tools and materials:

  • Large silk scarf
Wrapping scarf

1. Wrap your scarf

Wrap your scarf around your body from back to front.

Tying scarf

2. Tie your scarf

Tie the top corners of your scarf in a knot at the front of your body.

Making one-shoulder top

3. Make a one-shoulder top

Bring one bottom corner of your scarf to the back of your shoulder, going around your back.

Making one-shoulder top

Bring the other bottom corner of your scarf to the same shoulder, going up the front. 

Tie those two corners together at your shoulder.

Arranging scarf-top

4. Arrange your scarf-top

Adjust your scarf as necessary to get the level of coverage you want from your scarf top.

DIY scarf-top

Turn a silk scarf into a one shoulder top

Enjoy wearing this cool, but elegant scarf-top on all sorts of occasions, and leave a comment to let me know how you liked creating your scarf-top!

Next, learn The Stylish Way to Wear Your Pantyhose on Your Arms.

Follow me on Instagram:  @kelyinchng

Follow me on TikTok:   @kalechng

Suggested materials:
  • Large silk scarf

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 1 comment
  • Charise. Charise. on Jan 25, 2024

    I really had high hopes, when I read the title of this post. Maybe a bit more practice on this would make it a more appealing option. Nice idea.
