The OTHER Way to Wear Your Turtleneck
Turtlenecks are hit and miss with people. It feels like when you're young you hate them because your mom is forcing you to put it on and you feel like it suffocating you (did I nail it?) but once you're older you gain a whole new appreciation for the turtleneck style and find them warm and even fashionable!
But what about those overly thick turtlenecks? It's like they bring back the scratchy and suffocating feeling from your childhood. That's why it's important to know how to wear the thick turtlenecks! Instead of folding your turtleneck out like usual you should fold it IN when the material is thick.
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See how the turtleneck looks much slimmer when tucked in? If you watch the full video above you will see how when I roll it out the material bunches much bigger and makes my face look covered.
Find me on Instagram @trending_with_trina
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Done this manytimes in the past. I have also cut some off and secured stitches with overstich or zigzag on machine and then sewn down on inside too. Remainder of collar I used as a trim (sometimes sewed into tube and made necklace adding rings etc. as decoration or making into a bow or covering headband....
This is brilliant. Wish I had known it years ago.