Quick French Seam Tutorial

Keya Harper
by Keya Harper
3 Materials
5 Minutes

You don’t have a serger but you want to make a seamed garment? Let me show you how to sew a French seam.

I’m demonstrating it on denim in this tutorial, but French seams are usually used on lightweight fabrics that tend to fray, and rainwear.

Tools and materials:

  • Scissors
  • Iron
  • Sewing machine
Sewing the inner seam

1. Sew the inner seam

Place the wrong sides of your fabric together.

Sew the first seam, taking 1/4” (0.6 cm) seam allowance.

Removing the excess

2. Remove the excess

Trim the seam allowance down to 1/8” (0.3 cm).

Be very careful not to cut through your stitching.

Pressing seam allowance

3. Press

On the right side, press the seam allowance in one direction.

Pressing seam allowance

Press the seam again on the wrong side.

Pressing seam allowance

Fold the fabric along the stitching line with the right sides together so the raw edges are enclosed, and press again.

Sewing the second seam

4. Sew the second seam

Still with the right sides together, sew the final seam 1/4” (0.6 cm) away from the fold.

Pressing the seam allowance

Press the seam allowance flat on the wrong side.

French seam

French seam

How to sew a French seam

The raw edges are completely enclosed inside the seam.

You can use this on denim if you're sewing a loose or unfitted jacket or bomber and you want clean seams on the inside. It’s not suitable for fitted denim garments.

I’d love to know if you enjoyed this tutorial. Please drop me a comment below.

Next up, This DIY Will Rock Your Socks - Literally!

Suggested materials:
  • Scissors
  • Iron
  • Sewing machine

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