Learn the Top Five Stitches Every Sewer Needs to Know

3 Materials
10 Minutes

Learning to sew can be a very satisfying experience, but it can also be quite overwhelming. There are so many different ways of sewing, and so many stitches to know, that you may not know where to start. In this tutorial, I will break down the top 5 stitches that you’ll need to know to begin your sewing journey. So knot your thread, and get ready to sew.

Tools and materials:

  • Needle and thread
  • Fabric
How to sew a basting stitch
Basting stitch

The basting stitch is also known as the “long-running stitch.” It is used to temporarily hold two or more layers of fabric together. To sew it, you’re going to insert your needle and thread into the fabric from the bottom and pull it up from the top. Then you’re going to create lines of stitching by putting the needle through both layers and bringing it back out, always staying on the top of the fabric.

Sewing a running stitch
Running stitch

To create a running stitch, you’re going to do the same thing you did with the basting stitch, except that the lines of stitching you are creating should be a lot smaller and closer together. 

How to hand sew a backstitch

When sewing a backstitch, you’ll begin it the same way as a running stitch. When you bring the needle out through the fabric, however, you then need to go back to the beginning of the gap and bring your needle through, essentially adding a line of stitching wherever there is a gap. When you’re done you’ll be left with a straight line of stitching.

How to sew a whipstitch
Whipstitch (hem)

For this stitch, you’ll begin by folding your fabric, because you’ll be stitching onto the fold. You’re then going to insert your needle and thread from the top of the fabric, right above the fold. Now bring it through all the layers of the fold, inserting your needle through the loop you’re creating before pulling the thread. 

How to hand sew a blanket stitch
Blanket stitch

When creating a blanket stitch, you’ll start by folding your fabric up, then down, giving you two folds right next to each other. Insert the needle and thread through one side, and out the other, going through both folds. Then you’re going to bring your needle back through the loop you created before pulling, ending up on the same side you started on. 

How to hand stitch

That’s all, folks! These are five stitches that are great to know when you’re getting started in hand-sewing. Each of these has its merits for different types of projects, so be sure to practice them all so that you’re ready when you need to use them. If you want to see each stitch in action, be sure to watch the video. As always, if you have any questions, leave a comment below! 

Suggested materials:
  • Needle
  • Thread
  • Fabric

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