Create Your Own Beautiful Beaded Earrings

by Arielle
5 Materials
20 Minutes

In this tutorial, we’re making these beautiful beaded earrings with silver wire and a gorgeous heart pendant. Let’s get into it!

Tools and materials:

  • Beads
  • Pendant
  • Wire
  • Earring hooks
  • Pliers
Attaching beads

1. Attach your beads to the wire and bend hooks on the end

For these earrings, I’m accessorizing with these silvery-white pearl-like beads.

So it can fit onto the earrings, you’ll need to add it to a piece of wire with a ring on the end and bend the wire end into a hook.

You can use already premade earring hooks and cut them to size, or you can bend a sturdy wire on both ends yourself.

Attaching beads

The middle is what your bead should look like—there’s a ring on one end and a hook on another. I did this with a star bead as well.

For the pendant, I’m using this gorgeous wire-shaped heart.

Bending wire into spiral

2. Bend a piece of wire into a spiral

Use needle nose pliers to bend a long piece of wire into a spiral.

Bending wire into spiral

The center should be enclosed like this, with the end rounding off into a hook.

The hook should have the smallest opening, so it doesn’t come undone on its own.

Attaching pieces

3. Attach everything together

Here’s what the layout of my earring will be. I have a French earring hook at the top, the beads and spiral in the center, and the heart pendant at the very end.

Play around with the order and different beads and colors to get the earrings you like best!

Attach everything together, using pliers to ensure the hooks are tight enough that nothing slides free. 

Beautiful beaded earrings

Create your own beautiful beaded earrings

Here are the finished earrings! I made two different variations instead of repeating the same style, and they came out so cute.

Let me know how your earrings turn out in the comments below!

Follow me on TikTok:   @my.fairy.alias for more awesome ideas.

Next, check out why you should  Save the Shells From Your Next Beach Trip!

Suggested materials:
  • Beads
  • Pendant
  • Wire
See all materials

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