2 Super-Easy DIY Christmas Gift Ideas: Scented Bath Salts & Room Spray

by Janel
6 Materials
1 Hour

While the holidays are a delightful time of year, many are frantically looking for unique DIY Christmas gift ideas for their loved ones. If you still don't know what to make, then I've got your back! Create useful homemade gifts by making a lovely DIY room spray and a concoction of luscious bath salts.

This is an inexpensive yet unique way to spoil your loved ones this Christmas. Let’s get started.

Tools and materials:

  • Glassware or storage jars
  • Epsom salts
  • Essential oils (any that you like)
  • Bowls
  • Measuring utensils
  • Spray bottle
How to make your own bath salts

1. How to make your own bath salts

Pour one cup of Epsom salts into a bowl

Adding citrus essential oils to bath salts

Add 10 drops of essential oil. I used citrus as it reminds me of Christmas time!

Mixing the DIY bath salts

Then, mix the salts, so the oil is distributed. 

Making DIY cranberry scented bath salts

Add half a cup of Epsom salts to another bowl. Then, add another essential oil to the mix. This time, I used cranberries! 

Adding food coloring to baths salts

I want to make a candy cane out of these awesome bath salts in honor of the holiday season. So, add a few drops of food coloring, and then, mix. 

Filling jars with bath salts

If you don't have a funnel, roll a piece of paper to make one. Then, fill your jars with bath salts. I’m doing this in layers; first the white bath salts, and then a layer of red bath salts. 

Creating candy-cane layers of bath salts

Keep on going until you have something like this.

How to make DIY cinnamon bath salts

Next, I’m making another jar of bath salts, adding cinnamon essential oil and yellow food coloring. 

Useful homemade gifts

Then, pour into your jar, and you have yourself an easy homemade gift!

Clean spray bottle for the DIY room spray

2. How to make DIY room spray

Get yourself a clean spray bottle. 

Filling the bottle with distilled water

Fill the bottle with distilled water. 

Adding essential oils for fragrance

Then, add your favorite essential oils or fragrance oils. 

Adding food coloring for festive cheer

Next, add some food coloring. 

Labels for the easy homemade gifts

Writing labels for the DIY Christmas gifts

3. Add labels for a personal touch

Now it’s time to get a little creative. I got some plain white labels and wrote the fragrance types and/or essential oils. I drew a cute little wreath-like structure and stuck these on my jars and bottle. 

DIY Christmas gift ideas

DIY Christmas gift ideas tutorial

Aren't these lovely homemade gift ideas? Now that you know how to make your own bath salts, you can use this as a special DIY Christmas gift idea for your loved ones.

It’s also a fun process and the best part is, you can add any color or essential oil that you want. These are really useful and easy homemade gifts. Enjoy! 

Suggested materials:
  • Glassware or storage jars
  • Epsom salts
  • Essential oils (any that you like)
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