Homemade Hair Growth Oil With Calendula

This herbal hair growth oil with calendula restore nutrients to your strands and scalp and strengthen the roots that ultimately increase hair production and thickness.

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Thinning hair is concern of many men and women. While it doesn’t necessarily mean baldness it can give the appearance of thinner spots of hair. Luckily it usually happens gradually so one has the time to pinpoint the cause and find out the best solution. Moreover, there are home remedies that can help to solve this problem.

It is important to know that reasonable hair loss is a natural part of everyday life. A hundred hairs a day is a common harmless loss that is not noticed in the total volume of hair.

If the number is higher then that one needs to figure out the cause of the hair to fall out such as genetics, lifestyle habits, hormone changes or some medicinal conditions.

Does hair growth oil work?

While our ancestors used eggs, potato or onion juice nowadays we have a better understanding of growth and hibernation of hair follicles. The clear is also the mechanism of opening and closing of the hair shaft and its effect on the strength of hair. With this knowledge backed by studies that are pointing to some herbs that may slow hair loss or might promote new growth, we can come up with a hair growth oil recipe that makes a difference. Such a hair growth serum helps many people to strengthen and nourish their hair as well as scalp.

Best oil for hair loss and regrowth

There are numerous “hair oils” in the market that are intended for use on the ends of your locks to smooth and strengthen your hair. However, our intention is to use it at the roots and scalp. So when selecting the carrier oil we need to look at its absorbency into the hair shaft. Some oils penetrate easily into the hair shaft, strengthening the hair and preventing breakage. These are olive oil, coconut oil, or castor oil. Others, such as jojoba oil or rice bran oil are not able to penetrate the hair shaft and are therefore used sparingly to provide an outer coating to the hair.

Coconut oil makes stronger hair

Coconut oil protects our hair and scalp against bacterial infections and eliminates dundruff. Moreover, it is the only oil that reduces the loss of the protein keratin responsible for smoothing down the cells that overlap to form your hair strands. These layers of cells, also called hair cuticles absorb the keratin that results in full and glossy look of your hair. So coconut oil promotes faster hair growth and makes hair strong and healthy.

Castor oil for hair growth

Castor oil has been in traditional medicine to moisturize the scalp and ease dandruff. Rich in ricinoleic acid, castor oil enhances health of hair follicles, promote hair growth and protect against hair loss. However I haven’t found a scientific evidence that prove that castor oil can promote hair growth.

Castor oil can be used on its own but is extremely heavy and makes it difficult to remove it from hair. Therefore is better to dilute it with another carrier oil such as coconut oil.

Calendula oil heals and regenerates the scalp

In our case we used calendula petals infused in extra virgin olive oil as calendula is a great moisturizer with an anti-dandruff effect that heals and regenerates the scalp. As per this study from the International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical science it help the hair follicles to grow and the antioxidants to protect the hair and scalp against cell-damaging free radicals.

Apricot seed oil is excellent moisturizer

Rich in antioxidants and vitamins A,C E K and niacin Apricot seed oil have also huge mineral content and possess excellent moisturizing properties that are beneficial for scalp and hair. With combination of calendula oil it creates moisturing and soothing effect while increasing the hydration level and reducing dryness. Linoleic acid that is present in apricot seed oil stimulates hair growth and keeps the moisture in the hair and scalp.

homemade hair oil recipe for hair growth

Hair growth oils also referred to as hair tonics or hair serums are mixtures of herbal extracts in carrier oils.

Combine fractionated Coconut Oil, calendula oil, Castor Oil and apricot seed oil in a bowl. Mix it well and pour it into a dropper bottle or glass jar with narrow neck.

How to use this hair growth serum

Warm up the mixture before applying to your scalp. Using warm oils enables deeper penetration through cuticles and the scalp and is more effective.

Place a few drops of hair growth oil on your fingertips. Rub between your fingers and gently massage into your scalp. Start at your front hairline and finish at your neck. If you have long hair, split them into small parts and avoid missing any spots.

After you finish with your scalp (10 minutes) gently apply the hair growth oil till the end of your hair.\

The massage will encourage blood flow and helps relieve stress. Use scalp massager to remove dead skin cells.

Wrap your hair in a warm plain cotton cloth (avoid using a towel as it is rough and can break your hair when it is soaked in oil). This helps to open up pores and cuticles and allow deeper penetration into your scalp and hair folicles.

Leave it overnight or several hours

Wash it with shampoo the next day with luke warm water or lavender vinega r, making sure its is cleaned thoroughly.

Benefits of hair growth oil

The same way you nourish your skin and body with healthy food and natural skincare you should feed your hair. Use nourishing oil here and there to keep them thick, well-nourished and moisturized.

  • This hair growth oil adds nutrients and vitamins to the hair follicles and your scalp
  • Reduce frizz
  • Promotes hair growth with strengthing of hair follicles
  • Keeps hair soft and hydrated by nourishing hair roots
  • Helps with dandruff and skin irritations.

How often can I use this hair growth oil?If you use it every day the oil can clog the pores and attract dirt. It would mean that you have to wash your hair every day which is not best way to achieve healthy and lustous hair. Two times a month is ideal to achieve healthy and soft hair.

How long does this hair growth oil last?If kept in the fridge, this hair growth oil can last up to 6 months.

Should You Apply Oil To Dry Hair Or Wet Hair?Oil doesn’t dilute in water so if you apply the oil to wet her it will repel and will not penetrate well. So apply on dry hair to allow deep penetration and nourish you scalp as well as hair.

How long does it take to see results?It is very individual, depending on the health of your hair as well as on your diet, level of minerals and vitamins in your body. There are also other factores that play an important role in your hair health and appearance such as other health issues and medications, eating habits or genetics.

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