How to Make Fake Nails With Toilet Paper & Baby Powder

by RoseDIY13
9 Materials
2 Hours

In this DIY, I’m going to show you how to make fake nails with toilet paper and baby powder. This is an excellent hack to make perfectly realistic-looking fake nails on a fraction of the budget you would usually spend in store for them. In fact, you probably already have all of the tools you need at home, so you don’t even have to spend a dime.

Tools and materials:

  • Thick tissue
  • Baby powder
  • Nail glue
  • Nail file
  • Scissors
  • Tweezers
  • Brush
  • Nail oil
  • Nail polish

See my previous tutorial for how to make fake nails with toilet paper and Fevicol glue.

Cutting the tissue

1. Cut the tissue

Take a pair of small scissors, nail scissors will do, and cut a small rectangle out of the tissue (I’m using toilet roll). Cut the tissue again so that it is the length and width of your fingernail.

Applying nail glue to the nail

2. Apply nail glue

Next, apply nail glue to your nail.

Sticking the tissue to the top half of the nail

Stick the tissue only to the upper top half of your nail and use a pair of tweezers or some other tool to press the tissue down.

Trimming the excess

3. Cut off the excess

Trim any excess tissue off with scissors.

Applying nail glue over the top

4. Apply nail glue

Next, apply nail glue over the top of the tissue. Then turn your thumb and apply it to the bottom side of the tissue as well. 

Holding the nail in place with tweezers

Let the glue dry and as it dries, hold it into place with tweezers so that the paper dries in a curved, as opposed to a flat, shape.

Applying baby powder to the DIY fake nails

5. Add baby powder

Once the nail glue has dried, apply another coating just to the top side of the tissue. Then pour baby powder over the top. Then take a makeup brush and brush the powder over the nail so that it is evenly distributed. Proceed to add more baby powder, brush it over again and then wait until the nail is dry.

Filing the nail

6. File the nail

Next, file the nail down either side as well as along the top for a smooth finish.

Applying nail oil

7. Apply nail oil

Rub on some nail oil for a glossy appearance.

Applying clear nail polish

8. Apply nail polish

Finish up by adding a coat of clear nail polish.

Now all you need to do is repeat the process for all your other nails.

How to make fake nails with toilet paper and baby powder

How to make fake nails with toilet paper and baby powder

And here we have our DIY tissue fake nail extension. It is sturdy and durable and looks just like a fake nail; no one will believe that it’s made out of tissue.

This is a great hack for fake nails that is so easy to do. I hope you’ll give it a try! Let me know what you think in the comments below.

Suggested materials:
  • Thick tissue
  • Baby powder
  • Nail glue
See all materials

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2 of 17 comments
  • Robyn Robyn on Aug 15, 2022

    How did your fingers not get all sticky andnot stick to the tissue it’s the same as super glue but you seemed to not get them all stuck how is this possible

  • Roberta Roberta on Sep 16, 2022

    This is awesome, but so many questions and no answers. To me there is a special place for the kind of frustration that comes with having something stuck to your fingers and not being able to get it off... LoL It may cause flashbacks of when I was a toddler and Mama would put some honey on my fingers and several Cheerios on my high chair tray and let me amuse myself trying to get the Cheerios off my sticky fingers. On occasion when she didn't want food a part of the equation, she used scotch tape! Ok haters! This is y'all's chance to not focus on the hilarity of the situation, but focus on the 'what ifs'! What if you are the tape!? I didn't! 🌻💜🌈🕊️✌️😊
