How to Make Cute DIY Denim Bracelets & Cuffs Out of Old Jeans

Nina's Ideas
by Nina's Ideas
6 Materials
1 Hour

There are so many ways to upstyle an old pair of jeans, including turning them into really cute DIY denim bracelets.

Follow along with this tutorial to create two DIY denim cuff bracelets that you can make for yourself and your friends. You probably have all the materials you’ll need in your craft supplies.

Tools and materials:

  • Old denim jeans
  • Ruler
  • Scissors
  • Sewing needle and thread
  • Threading beads or buttons
  • Velcro

DIY flowered denim cuff bracelet

Measuring the denim for the flowers

1. Make the flowers

Cut a strip of denim from a good, intact part of your old jeans, measuring 25 x 5 centimeters (9.8 x 2 inches.)

Pulling denim threads to get frayed edges

Pull threads from both long edges of the strip to get a frayed, ruffled edge.

Folding the fabric lengthways

With the right side facing out, fold the denim strip in half lengthwise. But not exactly in half. You want one frayed edge to lay just above the other frayed edge.

Creating little ruffled folds in the denim

Now, insert a threaded needle through the top of the fabric at one end of the strip and bring it up again through the top about 1 centimeter (0.4 inches) along.

Continue pulling the thread along the edge in the same manner, pushing the fabric onto the needle in little folds as you go. 

Sewing the ends of the denim together

When you reach the other end of the strip, pull the thread so that the whole strip pulls into a circle. Join the two ends of the circle by sewing them together. 

How to make a denim flower

Now you have a denim flower with two rows of ruffling on the outer edge.

DIY flower from old jeans

Pull the two layers of denim apart a bit to make the flower a little fluffy.

DIY denim flowers with beads in the center

Repeat to make three more denim flowers. Find buttons or beads with a hole in the center that will cover the hole in the center of each flower and reserve them for later.

How to make a denim cuff

2. Make the cuff

Cut another strip of denim 27 x 7 centimeters (10.6 x 2.8 inches.)

Denim cuff bracelet DIY tutorial

With right-side facing in, fold the strip in half lengthwise. Hand-sew the strip closed along the long edge and one short edge.

Turning the denim fabric right side out

Use a pen to help you turn the strip right-side-out. 

Sewing Velco to the ends of the denim cuff

Sew small pieces of Velcro to each end of the denim strip to use as a cuff bracelet closer.

Attaching the flowers to the DIY denim cuff

3. Attach the flowers to the cuff

Decide where you want to position each flower on the cuff bracelet.

To attach the bead or button to the flower and the flower to the cuff all at the same time, start by pulling a needle and threading the flower, then thread the button or bead onto the needle.


Next, put the needle back through the flower from top to bottom. Now the bead is securely attached to the flower.

DIY denim cuff bracelet with flowers

Using the same needle and thread attach the bead and flower to the bracelet cuff. Repeat with the rest of the flowers.

DIY beaded denim cuff bracelet

How to make bracelets with jeans

1. Make the cuff 

Cut a 50 x 4.5-centimeter (19.7 x 1.8 inches) strip of denim from your old jeans.

Fraying the edges of the DIY denim cuff

Fray both long edges of the strip as you did with the DIY flowered denim bracelet.

Marking along the denim strip

Use a marker to mark off every centimeter (0.4 inches) along the length of the denim strip.

How to make a denim wrap bracelet with beads

Pass a needle and thread down and then up at 1-centimeter intervals. Every time you come up with the needle, pull the thread tight so the denim ruffles up.

Then, thread a small bead onto the needle before you go down through the denim again.  

Attaching Velcro to the ends of the bracelet

Fold the ends in and attach Velcro to both ends of the bracelet for a closer.

Adding a denim flower for decoration

2. Add a flower

Make a denim flower just as you did for the flowered bracelet and attach it with a bead to the center of this beaded denim bracelet. 

DIY denim bracelets

Denim bracelets DIY tutorial

These are so cute and fun! Just like a favorite pair of jeans, they are really comfortable to wear. Kids would love them too! Leave a comment to let me know how your DIY denim bracelets turned out.

Suggested materials:
  • Old denim jeans
  • Ruler
  • Scissors
See all materials

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2 of 3 comments
  • Miss Daisy Miss Daisy on Feb 26, 2022

    Oh so cute and have everything I need including three granddaughters - teen aged so this is perfect. Thank you

  • Del49991836 Del49991836 on Feb 26, 2022

    I do not want to make just bracelets. I want to make a bunch of flowers to decorate a denim purse, denim cut-offs, denim pants, denim jacket, etc... Much Gratitude to you for sharing. I have 7 granddaughters and two greats I can make for!
