Men's Shirt to Nightie

Chickie W.U.
by Chickie W.U.
4 Materials
1 Hour

Hello Readers. When I saw this fun shirt at a thrift store and I knew I should bring it home with me. It is absolutely ridiculous and I love it. Who made this duck shirt? They need a raise immediately!

Before and after. Yawn! Mornings are difficult.

The little ducks had orange beaks and for a quick minute I really wanted to put these 2 pieces together. That is crazy right? I was going quackers. (hahaha, I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself.)

I cut the sleeves, collar and shoulder of the shirt away. I just wanted the body of the shirt for this new nightie.

I used my serger to make sure all those cut edges didn't fray. You could also use a zigzag stitch on all the edges to prevent fraying. I sewed the arm areas to each other and I sewed all the way around the top and left it open.

I pinned this yellow ribbon around the top edge of the shirt. I folded the shirt over on itself to make pleats so that it would fit the ribbon. I made a pleat on each side of the chest to help the shirt fit the size of the ribbon. You can wrap a piece of ribbon or a tape measure around your upper chest to determine how big the ribbon should be. Everyone is different, so use the measurement that works for you.

I sewed the ribbon to the top of the shirt, right at the edge with matching yellow thread. I used a straight stitch. The ribbon is a fun pop of yellow.

I used the same ribbon to make shoulder straps. I sewed them in the front first. I used a straight stitch and sewed the ribbon to the ribbon. Then tried it on to mark the length right before attaching the straps in back.

I originally thought this would be a sundress but it really looked like sleepwear.

That is OK with me. I needed summer sleepwear. Thanks for reading along, now go make something fun for yourself. Quack.


Suggested materials:
  • Men's shirt XXXL   (Thrift Store)
  • Matching Ribbon   (Walmart)
  • Matching Thread   (Walmart)
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Chickie W.U.
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