The Color Theory Edit

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It is called Color Theory. What is it? It's based on undertones in your skin, and it can change the way you style your closet. I, first, came across this "theory" on TikTok, and went down the proverbial rabbit hole to figure out the ins and outs of it all!

It's based on seasons; Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. Let's talk about each one.

Here are the steps to determine what season you fit into.

1.) Look at the palm of your hand. Do you have more yellowish or pinkish colors? If you have yellow tones focus on the Spring/ Autumn Palette. If you have pinkish tones focus on the Summer/ Winter Palette.

2.) Does Silver or Gold look better on you? If gold, stick with Spring/ Autumn. If Silver, stick with Summer/ Winter.

There are multiple filters etc. that you can look through as well! Check out my post here and use the filter to see if that helps to narrow it down!


These are very pastel-y colors. People with yellowish undertones, and who look better with gold are more likely to side better in these colors.

Between Spring & Autumn, these can get tricky! It is best to see which one washes you out more. In my case, Autumn is the better option!


I thoroughly thought I was a summer at one point. When I started to deep-dive I realized I have little to no pink/red tones in my skin tone. Of all the pictures I have taken with the fabrics, this is the one that washes me out the most.

If you have pink/red undertones, and look better with silver, look at Summer/ Winter colors.


This is my color palette. It brightens, and brings out the color of my eyes! This one, just like Spring, looks better with yellow undertones, and gold.


These colors, along with Summer are bright and bring out pink/red tones within the skin. I love these colors, unfortunately, they wash me out, but they are still gorgeous!

What color palette are you? Let me know in the comments!!!

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