A Simple Trick to Make Your Loose Top Fit Better
Hello and welcome back to my page. I enjoy sharing fashion hacks and easy DIYs that you can do at home with your own clothes. This hack I am sharing today is great for crop tops that fit a little loose. All you need is an earring or brooch you can use (note if you do not have one you could use a safety pin and fold it to hide)
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If you enjoy my style tips and fashion hacks you should also follow me on Instagram @journey_towards_fashion
Notice how my top fits a little loose around my body
Using this beautiful brooch I am pinning some of the fabric together to tighten the fit on me. If you only have a plain safety pin do this then do an extra fold to hide the pin with your shirt's fabric. Remember when gathering the fabric be careful not to poke yourself with the pin when closing it.
Here's how it looks after. So easy and so cute! The embellishments on the brooch even add to the outfit.
If you enjoy my style tips and fashion hacks you should also follow me on Instagram @journey_towards_fashion
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What a simple solution ! Why hasn't it been thought of before ? You are clever .
Careful sitting in hard backed chair in that blouse!