Keep Your Ears Comfy With These DIY Mask Ear Savers

Sew Aldo
by Sew Aldo
5 Materials
20 Minutes

Facemasks are so important these days! They help to protect ourselves and others but sometimes they can feel a little uncomfy. I came up with an idea to help protect our ears from the facemask! These easy to make ear savers will have you forgetting you’re even wearing a mask. Not only do ear savers have a function but they are a cute little accessory for your facemask as well. They are adjustable and can be made in both child and adult sizes. If you want to learn how to make these amazing ear savers, follow my step-by-step tutorial and get started!

Tools and Materials:

  • Sewing Machine
  • Fabric
  • Ruler
  • Scissors
  • Buttons
Measure the nape of your neck

To get started on these awesome ear savers, I measured the nape of my neck.

DIY mask ear savers
Draw on the fabric

I would be making both adult’s and children’s ear savers. On my fabric, I measured a width of 1.5 inches. For children, I would use a length of 5 inches with an added 1 inch for seam allowance. For the adult ear savers, I measured 6 inches, adding the all-important extra inch for seam allowance. 

Cut the fabric
Cut the fabric

I then folded my fabric, using my 1.5-inch line as the center. I cut on the fold which gave me a width of 3 inches. I chose to use this grey, denim-like fabric, but you can get creative and choose any fabric design you like! 

Pin the fabric

Once I had cut out all of my fabric, I folded it over and pinned it into place. I then pressed the fabric. Pressing fabric is a great tip for making sewing a whole lot easier because it really holds the fabric in place. 

Sew the fabric
Sew the fabric

Once my ears savers were pressed and ready I moved over to my sewing machine. I sewed the sides leaving a small gap on the long edge that would allow me to turn the fabric right side out later.

DIY face mask ear savers
Turn the fabric

Next, I turned the fabric right side out. It’s always helpful to use a pencil or the back of a pin to push out the corners.

Add a topstitch
Sew a topstitch

With my ear savers so close to being ready, I returned to my sewing machine and added a topstitch around the edges. This also closed the small gap I had left before. 

Add buttons
Add buttons to the ear saver

For the final step, I sewed buttons onto my ear saver. The more buttons you sew on, the more adjustable the ear saver will be. I love this final step because you can really get creative with the colors and styles of the buttons. 

DIY ear savers

I love how easy these are to make! They play such an important role in keeping us mask-wearers comfortable! What color fabric would you use for these ear savers? Let me know in the comments below! 

Suggested materials:
  • Sewing machine
  • Fabric
  • Ruler
See all materials

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3 of 13 comments
  • Kim Kim on Dec 02, 2020

    My guess would be to hook the elastic on the buttons rather than the ears or behind the ears, depending on how the mask(s) fit the shape of your face. :>)

    • Kim Taylor Kim Taylor on Dec 03, 2020

      I think you're right. Loop the ear pieces around the buttons instead of your ears.

  • Grandmasue10 Grandmasue10 on Mar 22, 2021

    This is great for those who wear hearing aids tucked around their ears. Every time I take my mask off, the hearing aid comes with the ear elastic.
