Blast Cellulite And Other Coffee Scrub Benefits . A DIY Beauty Recipe

Lisa Miller-Mecham
by Lisa Miller-Mecham

This post may contain affiliate links for products I love and recommend.

Winter is here and the overflow of cookies and egg nog have arrived! After the initial excitement wears off, I remember the older I get, the more it feels like no matter how many squats and lunges I do, I just can’t get stubborn cellulite to disappear completely. That’s why this year, I’ve done some extra research to create the perfect DIY cellulite coffee scrub. Use it every day and within a few weeks, you should see a noticeable difference in the appearance of cellulite.

The best part about using natural, home-made beauty products is knowing there are never any fillers. Each ingredient is beneficial and serves a purpose. Once you go down the rabbit-hole of investigating your beauty products, it’s hard to go back. Here’s why each ingredient in this DIY Cellulite Coffee Scrub is important:

Ingredient List:

Coconut Oil:

Coconut Oil has been shown to reduce cellulite all on it’s own. It contains a surprising amount of saturated fat that can fortify your skin cell structure and make the appearance of the surface healthier. It also contains lots of free radicals which heal old scar tissue and firm and tighten your skin. The most popular 2 methods is to massage the oil into your skin for ten minutes, followed by dry brushing or to use a scrub like the one we’ll be making today.

Ground Coffee:

The caffeine in ground coffee actually shrinks cellulite cells while the scrubbing motion plumps your skin, making those little lumps look less obvious. By stimulating blood flow, you’re actually helping your body heal itself and release toxins under your skin. Caffeine also contains loads of antioxidants, which increases collagen production.

Brown Sugar:

Brown sugar has smaller particles and is softer and safer for all skin types than other sugars. It is also a powerful exfoliate that removes dead skin for improved tone, texture and softness.

(For this recipe, I like to add a hint of Vanilla Extract to create a pick-me-up, vanilla-latte scent when I shower.)

How To Make A Coffee Scrub

  • Clean your containers with soap and water.
  • Carefully melt the coconut oil under warm, running water. It doesn’t need to be liquid, but needs to be soft to mix well.
  • Slowly stir in your dry ingredients with a spoon. Mix until you form a consistent texture.
  • Store in an airtight container. The scrub will get thicker once the coconut oil returns to room temperature.

Use everyday for the best results!

How To Use:

For the absolute best results, use a dry brush before you hop into the shower. Dry brushing helps remove dead skin to allow your new scrub to penetrate the skin better. Here are a few I recommend:

When you are in the shower, apply your scrub and rub for five minutes. Use it every time you shower for best results. If you are feeling brave, snap a photo of your “trouble-area” before you begin and again after 14-30 days to compare the difference! It’s always nice to see a noticeable change after you’ve been consistent with something.

I hope you liked this little DIY! I really love creating useful, natural beauty products for you guys each week! If you liked this beauty recipe, I hope you like these as well:

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Lisa Miller-Mecham
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