4 Sleek Style Hacks Inspired by Men's Fashion

5 Minutes

Today, I have some style hacks to show you that will help you shop your closet in a different way. I’m taking my slow fashion inspiration from menswear.

Sustainable closets and traditional menswear have a lot of principles in common so I want to put some of them together.

Let’s see what we can come up with.

Outfit inspired by menswear

1. Find a tailor

Menswear is all about fit, and finding a really good seamstress or tailor can make a huge difference in how good your clothes look on you.

Know how you want your clothes to fit. Do you want them tight-fitting or do you prefer the oversized look? Where do you land on that spectrum?

Get your clothes made or altered to make sure they fit you in a way that you like and work for your body in general.

Not only will you feel and look better in your clothes, you’ll look a lot more expensive!

Outfit inspired by menswear

2. Choose the right texture and fabric

Traditional menswear generally changes the textures and fabrics to suit the seasons. We see clothes made in different wool blends, linen, seersucker and so on, for the season they’re intended for.

With fast fashion a lot more synthetics are being introduced even into menswear, but still not as much as in womenswear. 

Understand which fabrics work best for your body and style and also for the temperature in your location. 

Make sure that the fabric and cut makes sense for the garment’s purpose. 

For example, buy linen and cotton blends for summer dresses instead of close-fitting synthetics that don’t breathe, especially if you live in a hot climate.

Outfit inspired by menswear

3. Pay attention to the details

Trends in menswear tend to have longer cycles than womenswear. The offerings in general are therefore more simple, timeless and versatile. 

That in turn often means that more attention can be paid to the small details in an overall outfit. Belt buckles and textures, pocket squares, silk scarves, cufflinks, watches and other accessories assume more importance when the outfit itself is very classic in style.

It can be easy for us to forget how important these details are and how much of a game-changer they can be. The details can become your personal style signature and make you look more put-together.

Outfit inspired by menswear

4. Prioritize comfort and personal style

Men tend to shop with comfort and how much they personally like a garment in mind, rather than how trendy it is. They figure out what they like and stick to it year on year, making small adjustments for trends and seasons.

They are more likely to resist the pressure to look a certain way or wear a specific color or shape than women are, if it doesn’t also fit their personal sense of style.

Perhaps we might consider shopping primarily for us and choose what we like aesthetically and what feels and looks good on us. 

It can be easy to get caught up in trends and hard to not compare ourselves to what we see on social media.

If we could disassociate the emotion from our shopping and be a little more pragmatic about it, I think we can make more solid shopping choices that we’ll love to wear and so will last longer in our wardrobes.

Style hacks

That’s what I have for you today and I hope you got something out of it. It is a different way of looking at fashion and buying choices that I think would lead to more satisfaction overall when shopping your closet.

Do you like these sustainable fashion tips? I’d really love to know what you think. Please drop a comment below and tell me.

Next, learn How to Knot a T-shirt to Stay Cool.

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