How You Can Make a Dress Out of a Tablecloth

5 Materials
1 Hour

I thrifted this gorgeous vintage lace tablecloth for a few dollars. I realized that with a little work, it would make a fabulous summer dress.

And I was right!

Tools and materials:

  • Vintage lace tablecloth
  • Dress as template
  • Scissors
  • Pins
  • Sewing machine
Lets make a dress from vintage

1. Draft the pattern

You’ll need a simple, well fitting dress, sleeveless or with set-in sleeves, to use as a template.

Fold the fabric in half and lay the dress on it.

Drafting the pattern

Cut around the body of the dress, adding a half inch (1 cm) seam allowance.

Use pins to trace the line of the armhole and cut them out.

Hemming the edges

2. Hem the edges

Turn in a narrow hem around the neckline and armholes.

Pin and sew them in place.

Assembling the dress

3. Assemble the dress

With the right sides facing, join the side and shoulder seams.

Trimming the sleeves

4. Trim the sleeves

My tablecloth had a lace edging that I left on for the hem of the dress.

I cut another strip of the edging from the surplus fabric 

Trimming the sleeves

I used it to trim the edge of the armholes. I pinned it in place first and then sewed it.

If your tablecloth doesn’t have a suitable edging you can use a purchased lace border, or just leave the armholes with a simple hem.

How you can make a dress out of a tablecloth

How you can make a dress out of a tablecloth

How’s that for a cool and sexy summer dress? It took me less than an hour from start to finish.

If you’re feeling fancy, you can line it with a contrasting fabric to really bring out the lace pattern.

Let me know what you think in the comments below.

Next, check out the  The Perfect No-sew Accessory to Any Outfit.

Instagram:  @sivan_perezmalul

TikTok:  @sivanmalul

Suggested materials:
  • Vintage lace tablecloth
  • Dress as template
  • Scissors
See all materials

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