Halloween Costume Idea: Umbrella Cloud & Rainbow T-Shirt

Abbie M
by Abbie M
9 Materials
2 Hours

Have an old T-shirt & an umbrella lying around? Grab them for this cute Halloween costume idea! icon

Grab an old T-shirt of your choosing (any color would work!)

Start by cutting multicolored felt into raindrop and rainbow shapes!

Next, secure the felt rainbow to your T-shirt with Fabric Fusion Glue. (Don't forget to put a piece of cardboard inside the shirt so the glue doesn't bleed through!)

After that, add some white pom poms or extra Poly-Fill to the bottom of your rainbow to finish off the shirt!

Next, grab an umbrella and hot glue Poly-Fill all around to create your cloud!

(A white, black, or clear umbrella would be ideal for this!)

For the finishing touches, I used rhinestone trim and the felt raindrops to create the look of falling rain from the cloud. (Yarn or fishing line would also work great for this!)

I hot glued two raindrops together wedging the trim in between.

Finally, attach the raindrop strands to your cloud with hot glue staggering them all around the umbrella!

Finish off the costume with some jeans or leggings and boots & you're good to go!

Suggested materials:
  • T Shirt
  • Umbrella
  • Felt
See all materials

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