How to Make a Puffy Quilted Purse With a Cross-Body Strap

by Recreateful
12 Materials
2 Hours

This cross-body bag is soft and puffy, and the size is perfect to fit all my essentials. Follow my tutorial and I will show you, step by step, how to make this quilted cross-body bag. You can make the bag out of faux leather or canvas, in any color you wish. Let’s get started!

Tools and materials:

  • Faux leather or canvas fabric
  • Lining fabric
  • Interfacing
  • Pillow stuffing or padding
  • Thread
  • Scissors
  • Ruler
  • Strap hardware
  • D-rings
  • Closing fasteners
  • Sewing pins
  • Sewing machine
Cross-body bag pattern pieces

1. Cut your cross-body bag pieces

Follow the measurements in the image above to cut all of the pieces for your cross-body bag fabric and your lining fabric.

Adding interfacing

2. Add interfacing

Using a basting stitch, sew a thin piece of interfacing fabric to the outer edge of the fabric of the largest cross-body bag rectangle. Leave a 10-centimeter opening in the stitches.

Stuffing the bag for the puffy effect

3. Stuff the cross-body bag

Use the opening to stuff the rectangle with some old pillow stuffing, or padding.

Drawing the quilted pattern

Draw vertical and horizontal lines on the wrong side of the bag, 5 centimeters apart, to achieve a checkerboard look.

How to sew a quilted pattern

Sew along all of those lines to make your cross-body bag look quilted. Try to keep the stuffing evenly distributed in the bag as you sew.

Making handles for the purse

4. Make cross-body bag handles

With right sides facing in, fold your handle rectangles in half lengthwise and sew along the long open edges.

Studding the handles with pillow stuffing

Turn the handles right side out and stuff them with pillow stuffing.

Adding bag clasps to the lining

5. Add bag clasps to the lining

Follow the video from 1:46 to 2:16 to see how I attached bag clasps to the lining.

Making strap holders

6. Make strap holders

With the smallest cross-body fabric rectangles, fold the long edges into the middle and then fold them in half again. Then, topstitch the strap holders along their long open edge.

Sliding the strap holders through D-rings

Slide the strap holders through your D-rings.

Attaching the handles to the rectangle

7. Attach the handles

Pin and sew the handles to each of the short sides of your quilted rectangle, as shown in the image above. If you want your handles to be shorter, just pin and sew them accordingly.

Trimming the excess fabric

Trim off the excess handle fabric.

How to make a quilted purse from scratch

Pin and sew your two strap holders to opposite corners of the large rectangle.

Sewing the side seams

8. Sew the side seams

With the right side facing in, fold the rectangle in half and sew both side seams closed.

Sewing the lining side seams

Repeat this step with the lining.

Making the bottom of the purse

9. Create the bottom of the bag

With the cross-body bag inside out, fold one bottom corner sideways to make a triangle. Then sew along the long edge of the triangle. Repeat on the other bottom corner of the bag and both bottom corners of the lining.

Trimming the corners

Trim the excess fabric from the triangles.

Attaching the lining

10. Attach the lining to the bag

With right sides facing, insert the cross-body bag into the lining. 

Inserting the lining

Notice that the lining is shorter than the outer bag. Make sure to pull the lining up so the top edge of the lining aligns with the top edge of the outer bag. Pin the lining to the bag. Sew all around the top edge, leaving a 5-centimeter gap, to attach the lining to the outer bag.

Turning the bag right sides out

Now you can turn the whole bag right-side out through the gap.

Sewing the opening closed

Close the gap by folding the raw edge inside the bag. Shuffle the lining around so that the bag fabric is pulled slightly inwards.

Topstitching the bag

Topstitch along the whole circumference of the bag at the top of the lining.

Making the cross-body strap

11. Make the cross-body strap

If you needed two pieces of fabric to make each of the long cross-body strap rectangles, then sew them together so you have two long rectangles. Then hem each of the short edges of each rectangle.

Tapering the ends

With right sides together, sew the long edges of the two rectangles together. When sewing, taper the ends of the cross-body strap so they are a little narrower than the middle.

Sewing the cross-body strap

Cut off the excess fabric at the tapered ends and turn the cross-body strap right-side out. Then topstitch the entire strap on each long side.

Adding hardware to the cross-body strap

12. Add the cross-body strap hardware

Follow the video from 6:42 to 7:39 to attach the hardware to the cross-body strap.

How to make a quilted purse

How to make a quilted purse

Just attach your cross-body strap to the D-rings, and your quilted cross-body bag is all done. I love how puffy it is, and that I have the choice of the cross-body strap or the handles.

The neutral color of my quilted cross-body bag means it goes with everything. I hope you make one for yourself and leave a comment to let me know how it turned out.

Suggested materials:
  • Faux leather or canvas fabric
  • Lining fabric
  • Interfacing
See all materials

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