Creating Fashionable Shoes With Fabric Markers

Laura Kelly Designs
by Laura Kelly Designs
1 Hour

Fabric markers make creating fashion so easy and fun. Tulip Brand Fabric Markers are great for this projects because they come in a variety of fabulous colors and they are NON-Toxic. This means they are great for kids to use too. Let’s upcycle some plain white tennis shoes with fabric markers!

Spring is around the corner which sparks the creative spirit. Fabric markers are such a great way for kids to create their own fashion statements. They work fabulously on canvas surfaces which makes them perfect for “tricking some kicks”! There is something special that happens when people get to creating, coloring and designing. I love when the final result makes a statement and is something useable and fun.

Material Needed For Shoes with Fabric Markers

To create these shoes, I used the following:

Directions For Shoes with Fabric Markers

To do it, these are the steps!

Step One

Color your designs on the shoes. Use whichever and whatever colors you love most.

A fun technique with the fabric markers is to use darker colors to outline around doodles and designs of lighter colors.

Step Two

Add buttons or bling (like gems and sequins) to your shoes with Aleene’s Quick Dry Fabi-Fusion glue.

Step Three

Replace the laces with fun ribbons!

Seven Reasons Kids Should Be Crafting

Practice Fine Motor Skills

Many craft projects require the use of fine motor skills to cut, tie knots, paint, color and even apply glue. Crafting provides a great opportunity to work on fine motor skills while creating works of art.

Build Self Esteem

Through the process of creating a craft project, a child works through a series of steps to make a masterpiece. The success of completing steps and having something wonderful to show for it has proven to build self esteem.

Create Community

Many craft projects that are done by kids in classrooms or groups collectively create a larger work of art. For example. When a group of kids create individual pumpkin crafts – once put together they have a patch. This creates community and inclusion.

Build Social Skills

While actively crafting, often times the fears and worries of talking with others subsides and children (of all ages) find themselves to be more social with those around them,

Promotes Individuality

Craft projects should allow children the opportunity to put their own style or mark into their work. There need to be choices available to successfully promote individuality. Some of these choices include picking colors, crayons vs colored pencils, cutting vs tearing paper and outlining.

Encourages Self Expression

Often times children will express their feelings and thoughts through simple drawing and works of art. Encouraging kids to draw in their journals and add their own elements to projects sometimes offers a release of feelings.

Yay for fashion!


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Laura Kelly Designs
Want more details about this and other fashion and style ideas? Check out more here!
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  • JR Pablo JR Pablo on Dec 29, 2021

    Adorable. I used to love doing crafts when my kids were little. What a happy project.

  • Sherrie Sherrie on Jan 01, 2022

    Great idea for tween sleep overs. More fun things to do.
