Easy 2-Minute Voluminous Hair Hack

Ariba Pervaiz
by Ariba Pervaiz
3 Materials
2 Minutes

Are you dreaming of voluminous hair? This is the best volume hack you'll ever see!

Flat hair

See how my hair is totally flat on both sides?

Learn how to set your hair in a way that retains the 'memory' of the bump, ensuring voluminous hair that lasts throughout the day.

Tools and materials:

  • Hairbrush
  • Hairdryer
  • Hairspray
Brushing hair up

1. Brush hair up

Start by making a center parting. Then go in and brush one side up and then pull the brush up as shown.

Blasting with hot air

2. Blast hot air

Now blast it with some hot air.

Adding hairspray

3. Add hairspray

Then add some light-hold hairspray.

4. Blast cold air

Next, quickly set it with some cold air. The secret to this hack lies in heating and cooling your hair in the same position.

Voluminous hair

Now take the hairbrush out, and your hair will look like this.

Brushing hair

5. Brush out

But we’re not keeping it that way. We’re going to brush it out, and you’ll see that the memory from the bump should stay.

Voluminous hair

Voluminous hair hack

Here you can see the difference. My hair is flatter on the untouched side and has so much more volume on the other side.

Not only is it more voluminous, but the volume actually stays! Try this hack for yourself, and you can thank me later.

For another hair tutorial, check out this  Easy 1-Minute Voluminous Curls Hack.

Suggested materials:
  • Hairbrush
  • Hairdryer
  • Hairspray

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Join the conversation
  • Brenda Brenda on Jul 04, 2023

    Great idea.. thanks for sharing. Definitely going to try it 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

  • Christine Cajigas Christine Cajigas on Jul 27, 2023

    You are an absolute dear for sharing this hack. It's really quite clever. I'm always trying so many products and way's to give my hair volume. It's getting harder to accomplish with the age factor. It seems it's always climbing😳. LoL I have been doing pin curls in order to get the volume. I'll be doing this from now on. Thank you again for sharing!!.
